Purpose of Assignment

Starting a new, international business venture requires creativity, planning, financing and marketing among the key ingredients for a successful undertaking. Additionally, the different risk analyses that are obligatory of a start-up are equally important for a flourishing company. By putting all of these success factors in motion, the student should have all of the information considered necessary for a winning venture.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Suggested but not required: Abbott, Riley J. (2015). PESTEL Analysis for Students. London, UK: Science and Management Press of London.

Search the Internet for vendors who sell this book or inquire about it with a local library.

Select a product and a country for a global business venture.

Conduct a regional, country risk, and organization and product or service analyses of your new global venture.

Prepare a minimum 1,050-word analysis to address the following:

  • Region Analysis
    • Regional alliances and economic integration
    • Physical environment and its effect on trade
    • Political stability
    • Economic conditions
    • Finance options available
    • Social, health, and environmental conditions
    • Terrorism threats
  • Country Risk Analysis
    • Political and legal stability
    • Economic conditions
    • Finance options available
    • Physical environment and distribution channels
    • Social, health, and environmental conditions
    • Cultural and ethical considerations
  • Organization and Product or Service Analysis
  • Description of your organization
  • Legal structure of organization
  • Market analysis
  • Description of product to meet the need

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