
This DB has three parts.

  1. A key characteristic of an effective manager is good interpersonal skills. Among the interpersonal skills that must be built are: motivation, communication, effective confrontation, coaching and development. Describe the importance of each of these interpersonal skills for a manager.
  2. A commonly used acronym for goal setting is SMART. Goals must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. Describe a professional goal that you have set listing how it fits into the SMART categories.
  3. Describe how the decisions managers make differ based on the level of the position such as supervisor, mid-level manager and senior manager.

Discussion 2:

The Woolong Company produces high-end vacuum cleaners and sells them to consumers online. They are designing a new product, and you have been hired as the project manager to oversee it.

  • Discuss the tools and techniques you should you use to identify the project stakeholders.
  • Describe potential risks associated with this project, and explain what risk management processes can be utilized.
  • Share other important components that a project manager should consider as this project continues into the execution phase.
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