Budget Project

This assignment is established to give you experience in reviewing and interacting with a budget to help you make decisions to meet the needs of instructional staff members in terms of technology.

The Creating a Principal’s Budget document provides a scenario and information needed to review and interact with a budget. The Principal’s Budget Ocean View excel spreadsheet is embedded with formulas for you to complete your budget calculations.

EDA 6260 Creating a Principal’s Budget (Final).pdf

EDA 6260 Principals Budget Worksheet Final.xlsx

Follow the directions closely under the activity section located on the Creating a Principal’s Budget document to complete your spreadsheet. The spreadsheet has embedded formulas that will adjust cells based on your input.

At the bottom of the Creating a Principal’s Budget document are questions that coincide directly to a quiz that I established for me to grade your answers to the assignment. There are 6 questions that have numerical answers. Each is worth 10 points. Additionally, there is a short answer question for you to complete. Please provide a rationale for your answer. The short answer question is worth 40 points.

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