Task # 3
Review an article on professionalism or ethical behavior as related to educators
Below are some suggested topics:
Unethical Situations Involving Students
Electronic Communications with Students
Transporting Students
Contact with Students
Situations Involving Professional Ethics
Use of Social Network
DUI Convictions
Teacher Documentation
Situations Involving Community and Family
Teacher Public Behavior
Student Confidentiality
Teacher Using Position for Personal Gain
Situations Involving Bullying Introduction to Situations Involving Bullying
Emotional Bullying
Physical Bullying
Article Review Format
Article Title: The name of the article
Author(s): Who wrote the article?
Keywords: These should be keywords that describe the most important topic of the article. For example, if someone were searching for this article on the internet, what words would they type in to find the article? Examples: gender, product vs. process, health, creativity, empty calories, etc.
Reviewer: This is where your name goes!
Introduction: Very short introduction to the article; one or two sentence summary at most. For example, what does this article relates to?
Abstract and Overview: Short summary of the article. True abstracts are no more than 100/150 words and are at one paragraph.
Synthesis: Here is where you actually “review” the article. What is the most important conclusion of the article or the most important part from your point of view? How, does this article inform you? What did you learn from the article? Are there points in the article with which you agree or disagree? Why do you agree or disagree? Pull it all together–what conclusions do you feel is the most important?
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