Power Point Presentation

Comparative Analysis Presentation (10% of final grade)
To be presented by each student via BB Collaborate from 6:30pm-8:00pm.
Guidelines for Comparative Analysis Presentation
The student will retrieve on-line the rules and regulations for advanced nurse practice and for prescriptive authority, from two (2) different states (bullet statements and text excerpts only should be included in presentation). In addition, the student will retrieve the information for Applicants and an application form, from the certification organization to which the graduate APN will be eligible to apply. The student will retain the actual materials for personal use, and will attach to their PowerPoint presentation for submission to the faculty the exact URL from which it was obtained. Students are expected to highlight the key differences and similarities in the regulations, prescriptive authority and certification process as well as discuss how this affects the daily practice of the APN and care provided to patient populations. Be sure to discuss potential factors that drive the type of regulations present in selected states such as statistics of number of insured/uninsured individuals, Medicare/Medicaid coverage and reimbursement rates. APA format is to be used in this presentation and thus only scholarly and reputable sources are to be used and cited.
Student assignments for this presentation are listed TBA.
Presentation Instructions (Total 10 points) 1. Content 7 points a. State Regulations (training, education, certification requirements) 2 points
b. Prescriptive Authority (interventions allowed by law, including required training, limitations) 2 points
c. State Healthcare Statistics Pertaining to Advanced Practice (MCR/MCD reimbursement rates, uninsured/underinsured/insured rates, number of practicing primary care providers, number of practicing APNs) 1.5 points
d. Influence on Daily Practice (need for collaborating/supervising physicians, level of care rendered, and limitations to practice settings) 1.5 points
2. Overall Organization, Grammar/Mechanics, Research component, (presentation well organized, creative and completed per APA format) 3 points as per PowerPoint Presentation Rubric

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