(TCO 1) The Windows CLI shell command that is used to display all of the environmental variables and their values is _____. (Points : 5) env set var shellQuestion 2. 2. (TCO 1) Which one of the following Windows AT commands specifies an action that will take place at 3:00 p.m.? (Points : 5) at 3:00 command at 3:00 p.m. command at 15:00 command at 14:00 commandQuestion 3. 3. (TCO 1) The Windows CLI command that is used to display the search path for the executable files is _____. (Points : 5) echo path echo pathext path pathextQuestion 4. 4. (TCO 1) The Windows CLI command that is used to display the extensions recognized as executable files is _____. (Points : 5) pathext echo PATHEXT echo %PATHEXT% echo $PATHEXT$Question 5. 5. (TCO 2) What is the assignment operator? (Points : 5) = ^ * %Question 6. 6. (TCO 2) What is the division operator? (Points : 5) / ^ * +Question 7. 7. (TCO 2) The value of a string constant will _____. (Points : 5) change during the execution of a program remain the same until it is assigned a new value be on the left side of an assignment operation retain the same value during program executionQuestion 8. 8. (TCO 2) What is an example of a string constant? (Points : 5) 1 “oops” 12432 oQuestion 9. 9. (TCO 2) What is the multiplication operator? (Points : 5) = ^ * %Question 10. 10. (TCO 6) The following VBScript statement will open a text file. Set file = fso.OpenTextFile(“C:DataCustData.txt”, ?, ??, ???) To create a new file if it doesn’t exist, the value of ?? must be _____. (Points : 5) 1 2 false trueQuestion 11. 11. (TCO 6) The following VBScript statement will open a text file. Set file = fso.OpenTextFile(“C:DataCustData.txt”, ?, ??, ???) To open this file for reading, the value of ? must be _____. (Points : 5) 1 2 True FalseQuestion 12. 12. (TCO 6) The following VBScript statement will open a text file. Set file = fso.OpenTextFile(“C:DataCustData.txt”, ?, ??, ???) To open this file for writing, the value of ? must be _____. (Points : 5) 1 2 true falseQuestion 13. 13. (TCO 7) The questioning that causes extraction of data from a relational database is known as _____. (Points : 5) extraction sorting data refining queryingQuestion 14. 14. (TCO 7) Which one of the following is a correct SELECT clause in a VBScript program for selecting the fields: FirstName and LastName and Age? (Points : 5) SELECT FirstName and LastName and Age SELECT FIELDS(FirstName,LastName,Age SELECT FirstName,LastName,Age SELECT FROM FirstName,LastName,AgeQuestion 15. 15. (TCO 7) In a VBScript SQL Query statement, what Boolean operator can be used to test a set of conditions whereby all conditions must be true? (Points : 5) OR AND XOR NOTQuestion 16. 16. (TCO 7) Which field would be suitable as a primary key in a table that contains employee records? (Points : 5) Area code Last name Birth date An employee number (TCO 5) Intermediate values that are not inputted or displayed should be stored in _____ variables. (Points : 5) unnamed work temporary globalQuestion 2. 2. (TCO 5) What variable scope will not interfere with other variables of the same name? (Points : 5) Implicit Global Local and global LocalQuestion 3. 3. (TCO 3) Which of the following is a possible value for a Boolean expression? (Points : 5) True -1 21 abcdefgQuestion 4. 4. (TCO 3) What produces the same result as the following pseudocode?

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