This course introduces basic programming concepts, logic, and scripting language tools used to automate basic system administrator processes. Critical thinking, logic, and troubleshooting are emphasized. Database applications are also introduced, helping students develop basic skills in using a typical database. Security topics are discussed. I am looking for someone on a weekly basis to login in to my online class  and work on assignments, and discussion posts. Also  a ilab, and short quizes multiple choice. There  is also a course project: Your company is currently planning to automate many different system administration tasks. Your manager has asked you to research a system administration task and implement it using VBScript. In addition, your manager would like to see both a proposal that describes the system administration task and a complete VBScript solution with sample output runs. During the first 6 weeks of this course, you will be introduced to a variety of topics in VBScript. These topics include the following. VBScript Introduction: Variables, Constants, and Data Types VBScript Output Methods, VBScript Input Methods VBScript Decision-Making Statements VBScript Loop Structures and Arrays VBScript Procedures and Functions VBScript File Input/Output Methods The Course Project is worth 170 points and is comprised of the following deliverables. Week 3: Outline (30 points) Week 6: Complete proposal (140 points) The following is a list of guidelines for your Course Project, due in Week 6. The complete proposal should include the following. Introduction Description of program (script) Source Code with detailed comments Source Code should contain a minimum 5 out of 6 topics learned during this session. Explain the output along with screenshots of the output Conclusion All DeVry University policies are in effect, including the plagiarism policy. Use each week’s lecture, reading assignments, labs, and discussions as guidance and supporting information for your proposal. APA formatting is required for your proposal. The proposal shall be your individual and original work. This is not a team project. The proposal is intended to be a professional document. I’m looking to see if anyone can help i could use help for the course but mainly the project . The price posted is just something I had to put in order to post this help It would vary based on what assignments will be worked on . I wil discuss how to price the assignments once I find some to help me. ASAP

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