– you are required to write an initial post (300 words). – All discussions must be completed on-time and must include in-text citations and 2 references in APA style formatting. — Extra note from professor regarding this discussion— Week 5 Discussion 2 The topic for this discussion question is Commitment: A Cautionary Tale many of you may notice that you have been receiving zero grades. The zero grades are because may of you are copying Cautionary Tales from the internet. I have seen these “Tales” every semester in the years I have taught this course. Some of the Tales are as follows:- The Dean and the scholarship for an institution/school The purchase of a motorcycle/cell-phone or television The rental of an apartment/buying of a house with family There are a few more and I caution you to not use these examples or you will receive a zero. You need to post your own personal “Cautionary Tale” after introducing the topic for the week which is “Commitment”

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