Early childhood teachers must be proactive in managing their classrooms by setting clear behavioral expectations for the children and using motivation techniques, modifications, and interventions to help them succeed. Establishing this environment will also increase the students’ sense of safety and trust. Part 1: Classroom Layout Plan Design a classroom layout plan to actively and equitably engage students by organizing, allocating, and coordinating the resources of time, space, and students’ attention by drawing and labeling the floor plan.  Take into consideration motivation, modification, and interventions.  Make this your dream classroom. Part 2: Rationale In 750-1,000 words, describe your classroom layout.  Your classroom organizational design plan should include the following, and make sure to justify your answer for each bullet point: How do you modify the classroom environment to meet the different behavioral and cognitive needs of children with and without exceptionalities? What strategies do you feel are unique to your specific early childhood aged group? What classroom rules and procedures do you use to support differentiated learning and interventions in the classroom? Support your rationale with 3-5 scholarly resources. Submit both the Classroom Layout Plan and the Rationale as one submission.

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