Question 1:

Choosing ONE (1) of the Case Studies found in Chapters 10-14 listed below. Each one of these chapters applies particular theories to the case.

Case Studies

Ch 10 – Disruptive Behavior in Children,

Ricky- “Getting Noticed” (pg 326)

Ch 11 – Disruptive Behavior in Adolescence

Jack “Control” (pg 362)

Ch 12 – Aggression and Violence

Miguel “Strengths”(pg 396)

Ch 13 – Anxiety

Jeffrey “Facing Fear” (pg 430)

Ch 14 – Depression

Terriana “Secrets”(pg 463)

This question utilizes the Tables 9.1 and 9.2 in chapter 9 and the case study you selected.

Reflect on how three (3) of the five competencies might relate to your work with the client in the case study you selected. How might you incorporate or address the competencies?What cultural assessment questions in table 9.2 would you identify as relevant to this case?What do you imagine would be the answers given to these questions?

Question #2:

Using the same chosen Case study, apply a DIFFERENT theory and treatment, and compare and contrast this to the treatments illustrated in the chapter.(Select another theory to apply):

Some additional alternate treatment approaches/theories to consider; Gestalt, Adlerian, Object Relations, Client Centered, Filial, mindfulness based to name a few.

Question #3:

Choose one theory from any section of the text and illustrate how it explains or gives insight into a particular issue from your own childhood or adolescence.


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