( I wrote the whole thing so you can have an idea abou the question as a whole. i just need answer for question number 4) Capstone case:New century wellness group New Century We l lness Group offers a ho l istic approach to healthcare wi t h an emphasis on preventive med i cine as well as trad i tional medical care . In your role as an IT consultant, you willhe l p New Century deve l op a new information system. Ba c k grou nd Based on your earlier recommendat i ons, New Century decided to continue the systems development process for a new information system. Now, at the end of the systems analysis phase, you are ready to prepare a system requirements document and give a presentat i on to the New Century assoc i ates . Many of the proposed system’s advantages were described during the fact – find i ng pro cess . Those include smoother operation, better eff i c i ency, and more user – fr i endly procedures for pat i ents and New Century staff. You a l so must examine tangible costs and benefits t o determine the econom i c feasibility of severa l alternat i ves. If New Century decides to go ahead with t he deve l opment process, the ma i n opt i ons are to deve l op the system in – house or purchase a vertical package and conf i gure it to meet New Century’s needs . You have stud i ed t hose choices and put t ogether some prelim i nary f i gures. You know that New Century’s current work l oad requires s i x hours of office staff overtime per week at a base rate of S15 per hour . In addit i on, based on current pro j ec ti ons, New Century will need to add another full – t i me clerical pos i tion in about six months . Neither the overtime nor t he addit i onal j ob will be needed if New Century i mplements the new system . The current manua l system also causes an average of three errors per day, and each error takes about 20 minutes to correct. The new system should elim i nate those errors. You es ti ma t e t ha t by working full – t i me yo u could comp l e t e th e p r oject i n a b ou t 12 weeks . Your consul ti ng r a t e, which New Cent u ry agreed t o, is $35 per hour. If you design t he new sys t em as a d a t a b ase app l icatio n , you can expec t t o spen d abo ut $2,500 fo r a networked commerc i a l package . After t he system i s opera t ional an d t h e sta ff i s t ra ined, New Cen t ury s h ould be ab l e to h and l e rou ti ne maintenance tasks wi t hou t yo u r assistance . As an al t e rn ative to in – house deve l opment, a vert i cal so f twa r e package i s avai l a b le fo r a b out $12,000 . T he ve n dor offe r s a l ease – p u rchase pac ka ge o f S4,000 down, f o ll owed by two annual installments o f $4,000 e a ch . I f New Ce n tu r y bu ys t he p a ckage, it would take yo u a bo ut f o ur weeks to install, co n figu r e, a n d t es t i t , wo rk ing f u ll- t ime . The vendor provides fr ee support du ri ng t he fi r s t yea r o f opera t ion, b u t then New Century m u s t sign a tec h n i cal suppo rt agreement a t an an n ual cost o f S600 . A l though the p a ckage contains many o f t he fea t ures t ha t New Century wan t s, mos t of the reports a r e pre – d esigned a nd it wou l d be di ff icu lt t o mod i fy the i r Iayouts . No ma tt er w h ich approac h is se l ec t ed, New Cent u ry p r oba b ly w i ll nee d you to provide abou t 1 0 hou r s o f i n itial t rai n ing an d suppo rt each week f or the fi r s t three mont h s of oper a tio n. A ft e r the n ew sys t em is ope r a ti on a l , i t will n eed r o u ti n e ma i ntenance, fi l e bac ku ps, a n d updating . T hese tasks will requ ir e a b ou t four hou r s per wee k an d can be pe rf ormed by a cli ni c sta ff member . I n both cases, t he necess a ry ha r dware and n etwo rk i ns t a ll a t ion w il l cos t a b ou t S12,500 . In your view, the u se f u l l i f e of t he system will be abou t five years, including the yea r i n wh i ch the sys t em becomes oper at io n a l. You ar e scheduled to d e l iver a p r e…

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