Scenario: You are deciding among three investments, as you do for Case 4. You have heard of an expert who has a highly reliable “track record” in the correct identification of favorable vs. unfavorable market conditions. You are now considering whether to consult this “expert.” Therefore, you need to determine whether it would be worth paying the expert’s fee to get his prediction. You recognize that you need to do further analysis to determine the value of the information that the expert might provide.

In order to simplify the analysis, you have decided to look at two possible outcomes for each alternative (instead of three). You are interested in whether the market will be Favorable or Unfavorable, so you have collapsed the Medium and Low outcomes. Here are the three alternatives with their respective payoffs and probabilities.

Option A: Real estate development. This is a risky opportunity with the possibility of a high payoff, but also with no payoff at all. You have reviewed all of the possible data for the outcomes in the next 10 years and these are your estimates of the Net Present Value (NPV) of the payoffs and probabilities:

High/Favorable NPV: $7.5 million, Pr = 0.5

Unfavorable NPV: $2.0 million, Pr = 0.5

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This is the link for the book. I will upload the request as file down blew.

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Locate a dripping water faucet (or set a faucet to drip). Collect the water that drips from the faucet over a selected period of time (in a container sufficient to hold the water). Calculate the amount of water (in gallons) lost per unit time. Calculate how much water would be lost in one year from this drip.

  1. Determine the cost of water per thousand gallons of water (from local water board or a water bill). Calculate the cost of the drip per year from the information you have.
  2. Determine the amount and cost of the water you use in taking your shower regularly. You will need to set the shower faucet as you normally do. Record the time in minutes it takes you to shower, determine the amount of water used (by catching it and measuring it somehow) in one minute, and then calculate the gallons used, the cost per shower, and the cost year using the procedure outlined above for the dripping faucet.
  3. Next, you are to compare the amount of water used by taking your regular shower vs. the amount of water consumed in taking a “military shower” (alternately turn the water off and on to save as much water as you can).
  4. Calculate the savings of water and cost for one year to take your regular shower vs. a military shower.
  5. Calculate the flow rate of your kitchen sink per minute. Estimate how many minutes the faucet might be on over the course of one day. How much water would you estimate goes straight from tap to drain?
  6. How many toilets are in your home? Are any of them low-flow toilets? Suggest a way to make a low-flow toilet out of a regular-flow toilet.
  7. Identify at least three ways in which you can decrease water use anywhere in the home.
  8. Assuming a use of 10,000 gallons per month per household, estimate how much water must be available to support your local town population?
  9. What is the source(s) of your local water supply?
  10. Are there any pollution issues with this water source?

You will submit a properly formatted paper for this lab. Please submit a discussion of your experience with this activity including a description of the data that you gathered, all of the calculations that you performed and answers to the questions. Please include a data log or table of all of the data that you collected and include all calculations.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • 3-4 pages in length
  • 1-2 outside sources
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As a Medical Assistant, understanding diversity and using a teamwork approach is critical not only for the medical practice you work in but also for attaining the common goal of quality patient care. Working together provides opportunities for creativity, efficiency, and excellent patient experiences.

This week, you will research various techniques in incorporating good communication and diversity into your interactions with your coworkers. You will create a summary that you will incorporate into the training manual. This summary will illustrate various ways to demonstrate teamwork through the understanding of effective communication and relate how diversity plays a vital role in an efficient and effective practice.

To complete this assignment, do the following:

  1. Research how diversity plays an important role in healthcare and how proper communication techniques facilitate teamwork, increase productivity, and help offer better patient care in a healthcare setting. Use a minimum of 3 credible sources* in your research and include a variety of resources, such as scholarly journal articles, magazines, newspapers, or web resources. Two of your resources must be academic/scholarly resources, such as a book or an academic scholarly journal. Academic scholarly journals can be accessed through the Rasmussen Online Library. Cite these resources throughout your summary and include a reference page. Use proper APA formatting for your citations and references. For help with formatting your references and citations, see the APA guide.
  1. In a minimum of 3 pages (excluding the reference page), include the following information to assist new employees in understanding effective communication methods and the importance of diversity within a healthcare team:
    • Communication
      • Communication and Productivity: Explain how communication can increase productivity.
      • Communication and Morale: Explain how good and bad communication can affect morale.
      • Overcoming Communication Barriers in the Workplace: Identify the biggest communication barrier a Medical Assistant can face with a coworker that would hinder patient care. Explain ways to overcome that barrier. Choose the best method for the situation and explain why this method is best.
    • Teamwork
      • Teamwork Communication Strategies: Describe teamwork communication strategies.
      • Assisting Coworkers: Name at least 5 tasks that coworkers can do for each other to help the daily practice run smoothly.
    • Diversity and Teamwork
      • Importance of Awareness of and Respect for Diversity: Explain why it is important for Medical Assistants to be aware and respectful of diversity in a healthcare setting.
      • Incorporating Diverse Practice Methods: Explain how to incorporate diverse practice methods and ideas between coworkers while remaining respectful of their work practices and mindful of the goal of providing effective and efficient patient care.
      • Tailoring Communication: Describe how Medical Assistants may have to tailor their communication in working with professionals of various titles, such as physicians, peers, and receptionists.
  2. Feel free to use the template below as a starting point for organizing your summary:

    Download the summary template here.

  1. Use clear, professional language with proper grammar and punctuation. Present your information at a level of detail that is appropriate for new Medical Assistants and feel free to use images, tables, or diagrams as necessary to help you convey your information.

*A note about credible sources: Credible sources are reliable, accurate, and trustworthy. These sources are written by authors respected in their fields of study. You want to identify sources where the author of the article is listed, if they’ve referenced other information, the sources should be cited so that you can check for the accuracy of and support what they have written. Wikipedia is not considered a credible source. For more information on credible sources, please visit the Rasmussen Online Library.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

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Consider the following scenario:

Mike is a sociology student at a local university in the Chicago area. He has decided to conduct and random poll to determine the political make-up of the community in general, including the city of Chicago.

Mike conducts his survey at the Woodfield Mall in the suburb of Schaumburg, IL. He interviews people at the local Barnes and Noble and asks questions about their political affiliation and beliefs. The interviews are conducted in one day on a cold January night when the temperature is -5 degrees below zero. On this particular occasion Barnes and Noble is hosting a special sale for Gay and Lesbian literature. Guest speakers are also present.

Mike interviews about 25 people and declares the following: The Chicago area is mostly a mix of White Republicans and Gay and Lesbian Democrats, with neither cohort being more predominant than the other.

Discuss the following: What biases are present in Mike’s results? Identify as many biases as possible. Explain what factors create bias in this study. Be specific. Give examples.

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  • Exercise 4.1 Questions 2, 4 – write systems of equations in matrix form
  • Exercise 4.2 Questions 1 b and d, 2, 4 a and d, 6 e – adding and multiplying matrices; using the summation sign
  • Exercise 4.5 Questions 1 b and d, 2, 3 b and d – special matrices
  • Exercise 4.6 Questions 2 and 4 – transpose

Please upload your hand-written work as a .pdf file. Print and sign your name under the statement, “This is my work,” at the end of each assignment. If you do not print this statement, print your name and sign your work, you may not get credit for the assignment.

While collaboration is encouraged for homework only, every student must submit answers in his/her own handwriting. To get the most out of this course, it is a good idea to ask other students to check your work before you submit it. In turn, you check their work. That way you can catch errors and properly learn how to apply the techniques. If you can work every problem in every assignment and pre-test, you can’t help but do very well in this class

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MOVIE CHOSEN: The Silence of the Lambs

Psychological Movie Review (25 points)

Films often contain characters that exhibit psychological disorders and/or altered mental states. Your assignment is to:

  • Watch a popular film that depicts a character with some form of psychological disorder covered in this course.
  • Analyze how the content of the movie relates to course material on psychological disorders (see specific questions below).

Your report must be:

  • Typeset in Times or Times New Roman 12-point font
  • 1-inch margins all around
  • Submit to on the due date

After watching your movie, answer the following questions:

  1. What mental/psychological disorder is portrayed in the movie?
  2. How does the movie relate to the course material covered in class or in your textbook? Please discuss at least four specific scenes and clarify how the movie and course material are related. This should be the main part of your report. You may point out how the movie illustrated course material and/or how it was not in accordance with what you have learned in this class.
  3. Provide the full details of your diagnosis of the character, including the signs and symptoms apparent in the film, and relate them to the criteria for the disorder in the DSM-IV. This is similar to the previous question, but this is focusing on using the DSM-IV rather than course material.
  4. Discuss the best forms of treatment for this person and the prognosis.
  5. How has watching the movie contributed to your understanding of psychological disorders and their treatment? I don’t have to agree with your opinions, but you will be graded on showing an understanding of course material and the issues involved.
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Your company produces an assortment of school supplies, and has a policy of supporting child health. One day you happen to notice information that (although it is not your area of expertise), in your opinion, indicates that the product produced by your company may be harmful to pre-teens. Furthermore, being the CFO, you have firsthand knowledge that the costs presented by the production department are understated by 15%. You recall that the last “trouble-maker” received a call from the Chairman of the Board, and had a hasty departure from the company.

What should you do? Speak to the Chairman or CEO about both items? Only report the item(s) you can verify? Talk to the respective department head(s)? Do nothing – someone else is responsible, or others will notice anyway? What should you do?

In Short Essay Form, answer the following questions:

1) What is the Board of Directors, and what is their responsibility? (6)

2) Should you act on information that in your opinion” ‘indicates'” something may be wrong? Why, or why not? (3)

3) What item(s) are you required to address, and why? (4)

4) Who all might be affected by the above situation? (4)

5) What other issue(s) may be present here? (3)

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After reading the paper, Managing Networks in the Age of Cloud, SDN, and Big Data: Network Management Megatrends 2014, discuss at least two network management concepts you learned from the paper.

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Imagine that you are tasked with the development and delivery of a two-day training workshop for 100 managers on how to use effective feedback skills when delivering one-on-one performance reviews to employees.

In an 1,000 word paper (excluding the title and reference page), construct a proposal that identifies three specific learning objectives, a discussion of the content the training would entail, methods to be used (e.g. lecture, case study, role play), and the instructional media and equipment required and explains why. Specify the logistical arrangements, such as type of room setup, that can enhance or undermine the content and interaction between participants. Assess the impact that room set up has upon communication within the group.

Take into consideration:

  • Length of workshop (2 days)
  • Number of trainees (100)
  • Learning objective (developing effective feedback skills)

Your introductory paragraph must include a clear and concise description of the training. Tables, graphs and charts may be used. APA formatted headings should be used to organize and identify each section of your paper. An Abstract is not required. Your paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Your paper must also include citations and references from the Blanchard and Thacker (2013) text and at least three additional scholarly sources.

The paper

  • Must be 800 to 1,000 words, double-spaced in length (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the
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