Advanced Analytics – Theory and Methods

  • Study the learning materials “Advanced Analytics – Theory and Methods.
  • Find the included “Data Set” under this week’s content “grades_km_input.csv
  • Using R, find the optimum number of clusters “K” by using “Elbows” algorithm.
  • Find and display the students’ Cluster Means for English, Math and Science.
  • Discuss the results.
  • Using above data set and the K-mean value, which you have identified, work on the following two tasks:
  • Plot and display the clusters for the high school students as they appear on page 126 and 127 of the textbook (find attached doc). You may use the same code in the textbook to plot the data.
  • Discuss using your own words the impact of changing K value on the data sets used in this Lab. Read section (4.2.4 Diagnostics ) from the textbook (find attached doc).
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Participation Exercise #1: After viewing this short youtube (Links to an external site.) video respond to the following question. Why is the interest rate (discount rate) so important when making financial decisions? (A couple of sentences should handle this question).

Participation Exercise #2: After reading the article (Links to an external site.) about “unlucky” lottery winner Jack Whitaker respond to the following questions. Would you have elected to take the $170.5 million “lump sum” payment like Jack or an annuity which paid out the entire $314.9 million in installments (an annuity) over 30 years? Why? Why not? How would have the “time value of money” factored into your decision?

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online website called alekes. i need to do 13 topics of naming ionic compounds.

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In Unit V, you selected your favorite brand and described the reasons why this brand is so appealing to you. For this assignment, you will use your favorite brand to create an analysis that identifies the strategic direction of price and promotion.

  1. In this assignment, you will research and provide pricing examples that compare and contrast various factors that influence promotional strategies for each of the five pricing strategies: premium pricing, penetration pricing, economy pricing, psychological pricing, and promotional pricing.
  2. Next, you will determine which pricing strategy is represented by your brand’s price and discuss why (or why not) the pricing strategy is effective.
  3. Finally, you will discuss if the pricing strategy is aligned with the messaging strategy in the promotions. For example, if the pricing strategy is premium pricing, do the promotions communicate the high value of the brand?

You must reference at least two articles from business-related or news websites. All paraphrased and quoted material must be cited and referenced. You will create a four-page Word document, not counting the title and reference pages.

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This is from the old book but I really like it so I’m keeping it. I have included a snapshot of the reading. Please read the attached passage and respond to the questions, feel free to pose other questions/comments you may have had while reading. After y

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Assessment 3–Individual Essay Writing
Write anargumentative academic essay on one of three given topics related to management theory. The
essay will be written in accordance with the guidelines for writing academic essays in the Academic Learning
Skills (ALS) student guide “Essay Writing”.
The argumentative essay must agree or disagree with
one of the statements below:
a) Job design only benefits employers through increased job performance; it has no benefits for

Given the pace of change strategic planning is a waste of time.

c) The matrix structure is suitable for all organisations.
Your essay must include:
At least five reference sources including the prescribed text book, none of which are internet
sources, e.g. websites.
Correct argumentative essay structure. Refer to the Academic Learning Skills student guide “Essay
Harvard Australian referencing for any sources you use. Refer to the Academic Learning Skills
student guide “Referencing”.
This assignment should be submitted online in Moodle.
The assignment MUST be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format. Other formats may not be
readable by markers. Please be aware that any assessments submitted in other formats will be considered
LATE and will lose marks until it is presented in Word.
For assistance please speak to our Academic Learning Skills Coordinators. They can help you with
understanding the task, draft checking, structure, referencing and other assignment-related matter

Kent Institute Australia Pty. Ltd.
Assessment Brief
ABN 49 003 577 302 CRICOS Code: 00161E RTO Code: 90458
Version 1: 22nd December, 2016 TEQSA Provider Number: PRV12051

Marking Criteria. Fail (0-9.9) Pass (10-12.5) Credit (13-14.5) Distinction (15-16.5) High Distinction (17-20)
Little evidence of research.
Sources are missing,
inappropriate, poorly
integrated or lacking credibility.
Lacks clear link of sources with
Text book and 4 other relevant
sources. Basic use of sources to
support ideas, generally well
integrated, most sources are
credible. May be weaknesses
with paraphrasing or
Research is generally thorough.
Good use of
sources to support ideas, mostly
well integrated, sources are
credible. May be weaknesses with
paraphrasing or integration/
Thorough research is indicated.
Very good use of sources to
support ideas, well integrated,
sources are credible. May be
minor weaknesses with
paraphrasing or
Thorough research is indicated.
Professional use of sources to support
ideas, well integrated, sources are
credible. Very minor,
if any, weaknesses with paraphrasing or
Information /
Essay lacks coherence; topic is
poorly addressed; little
Essay is generally coherent; topic
is addressed; analyses in
reasonable depth with
some description. There are
some inconsistencies and
weaknesses with flow.
Essay is coherent and flows well;
topic is addressed quite
thoroughly; analyses in
considerable depth. There may be
some inconsistencies and
weaknesses with flow.
Essay is very coherent and flows
well; topic is addressed thoroughly;
analyses in
depth. There may be minor
inconsistencies and weakness with
Professional work. Essay is very
coherentand flows well; topic is
addressed thoroughly;
analyses in great depth. Very minor, if
any, inconsistencies and weaknesses
with flow.
Topic, concepts are not clear in
Material in the body is
generally poorly
sequenced. No discernible
conclusion; no links to
Topic, concepts are generally
stated with some clarity in
introduction. Material in body is
generally logically sequenced;
some weaknesses. Conclusion
does not clearly summarise
essay; links to introduction are
not clear.
Topic, concepts and are mostly
clearly conveyed in introduction.
Material in body is logically and
clearly sequenced; few or minor
weaknesses. Conclusion
summarises essay; may be some
weaknesses; generally
clear links to intro.
Topic, concepts are clearly outlined
in introduction. Material in body is
logically and clearly sequenced;
very few or minor weaknesses.
Conclusion mostly effectively
summarises essay; with
recommendations and clear links to
Topic, concepts are clearly
outlined in introduction. Material in
body is logically and clearly sequenced;
very minor, if any, weaknesses.
Conclusion effectively summarises
essay; with recommendations and
clear links to introduction.
Poor standard of writing. Word
limit may not be adhered to.
Minimum 1500 words in length.
Basic and sound standard of
writing; some errors in
punctuation, grammar and
Good standard of writing; few
errors in punctuation,
grammar and spelling.
Very good standard of writing; very
few or minor errors in
punctuation, grammar and spelling.
Professional standard of writing; no
errors in
punctuation, grammar and spelling.
No referencing is evident or, if
done, is inconsistent and
technically incorrect. No or
minimal reference list, mixed
Basic and sound attempt to
reference sources; may be some
inconsistencies and technical
errors in style. Reference list is
generally complete with 1 or 2
references missing.
Good attempt to reference
sources; inconsistencies and
technical errors in style. Few
inaccuracies in reference list and
all references listed.
Very good attempt to reference
sources; very minor inconsistencies
and technical errors in style.
Thorough and consistent reference
list and all references listed.
Professional level of referencing and
acknowledgment; no errors of style
evident. Thorough and consistent
reference list and all references lis

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Just need someone to redo a paper back over that’s going through safe assign and will need my login information to look at the different videos and reading for it

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Part 1

Deliverable Length: 600-800 words

Respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

• Search for and take an online entrepreneurship self-quiz. Identify the website address in your analysis.

• TakeQuiz… .

Write up to 3 paragraphs analyzing and comparing the results of both quizzes. Answer the following questions:

• What traits do you exhibit?

• Explain why you feel you can be a successful entrepreneur.

• What surprised you about your quiz results?

• Be sure to support your answers with a minimum of 3 quality references.

Part 2

Deliverable Length: 1,500 words

According to Abrams (2012), entrepreneurs make enormous contributions to societies around the globe. Fast-growing entrepreneurial ventures transform entire economies. Even smaller enterprises make tremendous contributions to their health and stability of their communities.

Complete the following:

• Profile an entrepreneur who has created a product or service that you currently use.

• Refer to the infographic titled “Developing Business Prospects,” and discuss the process that this entrepreneur used.

• Compare and contrast their personality attributes with your own.


Abrams, R. (2012). Entrepreneurship: A real world approach.Palo Alto, CA: Planning Shop

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