
QUESTION 1 (13 marks)
A. Ada was a wholesaler and retailer in the jewellery business. A friend of hers ,Roberta,
was an importer of fine jewellery and sold the jewellery in three shops that she owned.
There was no business connection between them.
Ada discovered that Roberta was importing jewellery at a much cheaper price than Ada
After making extensive inquiries, Ada located the name of Roberta’s supplier: Qualstone Co.
in Sri Lanka.
Ada contacted Qualstone and ordered jewellery pieces at $50 per piece. Ada signed the
contract in Roberta’s name but for Ada’s own financial benefit. She did not have the consent
of Roberta to enter the contract.
Roberta discovered the transaction and wants to obtain the benefit of the contract.
Advise Roberta of her legal rights.
In you answer you are required to refer to relevant legal authority
B. Peter wrote to Alan and asked him to buy 200 ladies Society Brand dresses for him at not
more than $60 per dress.
Alan went to Toselli warehouse and chose 200 Society Brand dresses. He did not tell Toselli
that he was acting on behalf of anyone. Alan signed a contract in his own name for the
purchase of 200 dresses at $60 per dress.
On discovering this transaction, Peter informed Toselli that he was Alan’s principal and
demanded that Toselli deliver the dresses to him. Toselli refused, claiming that the contract
was with Alan and would deal only with Alan.

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1. Go to

2. Using the drop down menus/ enter in:

a. Choose “Used Cars”

b. Choose your assigned car model (bar of car)

c. Choose your assigned model of car (type)

d. Choose “250 miles from”

e. Enter in 30909 zip code

3. Find at least ten cars that meet your criteria (*choose no more that two from the same year).

4. Record the YEAR, MILEAGE, and PRICE in your Excel worksheet.

5. Take screen shots of each car and paste them in your Excel spreadsheet where indicated.

6. Create a scatter plot of YEAR vs PRICE in your Excel worksheet where indicated.

a. Label the scatter plot (title, x-axis, y-axis)

b. Add a trend line

7. Repeat step 56 for MILEAGE vs PRICE and YEAR vs MILEAGE

8. Using Excel, calculate the correlation coefficients for (place them in worksheets provided for each variable set in your Excel file):




9. Explain your work in the text boxes provided for each variable set.

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Research and find an artist or group that is combining an international music with jazz to create a new Jazz sound. Limit your research to music from the 21st Century (since the year 2000.) Pick a culture or country whose music you would be interested in learning about and see if you can find an artist or group who is combining that music with Jazz music to create a new Jazz sound. BE SURE YOU FIND AN ARTIST OR GROUP THAT IS COMBINING AN INTERNATIONAL MUSIC AND JAZZ, TO CREATE A NEW JAZZ SOUND. There are a number of examples of non-jazz artists using international music in their folk music, rock music, hip hop etc.., so be sure your choice of artist/group is a JAZZ artist. The artist can be an American that is using International music as an influence or it can be an artist who is from another country that is an accomplished Jazz artist who is exploring combining music from his/her culture with Jazz. Be SURE the artist is a Jazz artist and the music you write about is a combination of Jazz and an International music style.

Example: an online search for “Traditional Japanese music and Jazz” produced a large number of entries, and some were useful in suggesting some artists that are combining the 2 styles of music to create a new Jazz based music.

When conducting online searches, use quotation marks around the important key words in the search…”Japanese Folk Music” and “Jazz” for instance.


  1. Write a 1000-1500 word paper ( this is the body of the paper, not including the discography and references, etc..) which describes the artist/group and their music. The paper should be well written, following general rules and formatting for a Research Paper (see suggested format below). Citations should be in MLA or APA format. You can get help and information about writing a Research Paper from the USF Writing Center.
  2. Use your research to write a description of the artist/groups concepts and ideas for combining the international music with Jazz. It is important that find descriptions of the concepts and ideas from the artist and/or reputable experts reviewing the project. You need to do significant research to be able to write about the ways the artist or group is combining the international music elements with Jazz elements to create the new music.
  3. Include your own description of what you hear in the music. Describe the ways the music moves you.
  4. Include a description of the artist/groups, what they are known for and other relevant projects/recordings they have produced. Include a selected discography. (A discography is an list of important recordings by the artist or group. (You can find examples of discographies online.) You need to include the artist/group name, title of the recording, record label (company), year it was released, and important personnel on the recording.
  5. Include information about the recordings you write about:
    1. Date released
    2. Record label
    3. Musicians on the recording
    4. How readers can find this music (purchase, listen, etc)

You will be graded on:

  1. The inclusion of all of the issues listed above in your paper.
  2. Evidence of research into the artist and music. References to your other research should be included.
  3. Your description of the music.
    1. How the combination of the particular Global music and Jazz presented by the artist/group works – what elements of each style of music are heard?
    2. How the music impacts you as a listener – what moves you:
      1. pick some specific moments in the performance that you can identify, describe and comment on the way the music moves you.
    3. How well written and readable the paper is.
      1. This is an IMPORTANT part of the Draft-Final paper process, to create a Final Paper that is well written and interesting to the reader.
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If you submitted Critical Response #5, you will revise that response in order to improve your writing and analysis. You should start with the feedback I left you for that response and also consider adding in a new example or two now that you are farther along with your reading of Watchmen. You will use underline to demonstrate sentences/ideas/words you changed or added in. You will use strikethrough to demonstrate sentences/ideas/words you plan on taking out. Your new response should be 350-500 words. Include this word count as a 5th line in your heading, and MLA format your document.

If you did not submit Critical Response #5, please review the directions from that assignment below and submit a response.

Critical Response #5 Directions

Now that you have learned how to embed an image in a document, submit a critical response where you practice rhetorically analyzing Watchmen. In this response, submit a “sample” body paragraph for Essay #2, where you choose one rhetorical strategy to analyze, such as: appeal to pathos in order to heighten the readers’ emotions; use of fallacy to help develop a character; use of literary devices, such as symbolism, to help develop the story’s themes; organizational strategies (either in plot or visual panels, or both) to help develop the story line; appeal to logos or ethos to help develop a character; etc. In this body paragraph (150-350 words), include the following:

  • A topic sentence or claim that identifies which strategy is being analyzed and who is responsible (Moore, Gibbons, or Higgins). Highlight this sentence green.
  • At least two examples from the story. One must include an embedded image for reference. For each example, be sure to include a parenthetical citation with Chapter, Page, and Panel numbers. Example: (Chapter III, Page 21, Panels 6-7).
  • For each example, be sure to explain why it represents that rhetorical strategy and whether it was effective and why.
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This is a manuscript about podcasts. Need to write something about e-sports. Other than making sure it relates to esports, you can do anything else you’d like with this manuscript.

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Overview: In this milestone, you will move through the first four steps of Final Project I by creating the monthly journal entries and general ledger accounts in your accounting workbook. The monthly journal entries are how businesses input financial activities into their accounting systems. The values from these entries are posted to the general ledger.

Prompt: Your dog, Peyton, has severe allergies and cannot have the usual store-bought dog treats. You have been making homemade treats for him that are all- natural and hypoallergenic. Over the past year, you have been making and selling these treats out of your home, and you have been quite successful. You now have an opportunity to open your own dog treat bakery. You have decided on a corporate form of business and have named your company “Peyton Approved.”

To complete Milestone One, use accepted accounting principles to follow and record your business transactions for a three-month period. You will find the provided data for your workbook in the appendix at the end of this document. The data have been separated from the prompt so that you can more easily view the full scope of the assignment. Links have been provided to help you locate the information you need as you move through each step.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Record financial data that accurately captures business transactions according to accepted accounting principles.

  1. Step One: Complete the “July Journal Entries” tab in your workbook using the Step One data in the appendix.
  2. Step Two: Complete the “August Journal Entries” tab in your workbook using the Step Two data in the appendix.
  3. Step Three: Complete the “September Journal Entries” tab in your workbook using the Step Three data and updated scenario information in theappendix. Note that there was an additional line of products added this month, so you must first complete the “Inventory Valuation” tab in yourworkbook and then copy the journal entries from the inventory evaluation page into your journal for this month to ensure the impact of merchandising is reflected in your reporting.The following critical element is not graded:


D. Step Four: Transfer posted entries to T accounts.

Step One Data (Click on the link to return to the prompt.) The following events occur in July, 2018:

July 1: You take $10,000 from your personal savings account and buy common stock in Peyton Approved.

July 1: Purchase $6,500 in baking supplies from vendor, on account.

July 3: Your parents lend the company $10,000 cash in exchange for a two-year, 6% note payable. Interest and the principal are repayable at maturity.

July 7: Enter into a lease agreement for bakery space. The agreement is for 1 year. The rent is $1,500 per month, and the last month’s rent payment of$1,500 is required at time of lease agreement. The payment was made in cash. Lease period is effective July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019.

July 10: Pay $375 to the county for a business license.
July 11: Purchase a cash register for $250 (deemed to be not material enough to qualify as depreciable equipment—use misc. exp.).

July 13: You have baking equipment, including an oven and mixer, which you have been using for your home-based business and will now start using in the bakery. You estimate that the equipment is currently worth $6,000, and you transfer the equipment into the business in exchange for additional common stock. The equipment has a 5-year useful life.

July 13: Pay $200 for business cards/flyers/posters/ads to use for advertising. July 14: Pay $300 for office supplies.

July 15: Hire part-time helper to be paid $12 per hour. Pay periods are the 1st through the 15th and 16th through the end of the month, with paydays being the 20th for the first pay period and the 5th of the following month for the second pay period. (No entry is required on this date; it is here for informational purposes only.)




July 30: Received telephone bill for July in amount of $75. Payment is due on August 10.


July 31: Pay $2,400 for a 12-month insurance policy. Policy effective dates are August 1, 2018, through July 31, 2019.
July 31: Accrue wages earned for employee for period of 16th through 31st of July (Wage calculations table provided below). July 31: Total July bakery sales were $15,000. $5,000 of these sales are on accounts receivable.

Step Two Data (Click on the link to return to the prompt.) The following events occur in August, 2018:

August 5: Paid employee for period ending 7/31.
August 8: Receive payments from customers towards accounts receivable in amount of $3,800.
August 10: Paid July telephone bill.
August 15: Purchase additional baking supplies in amount of $5,000 from vendor, on account.
August 15: Accrue wages earned for employee from period of 1st through 15th of August (Wage calculations table provided below). August 15: Pay rent on bakery space.
August 18: Receive payments from customers towards accounts receivable in amount of $3,000.
August 20: Paid $8,500 toward baking supplies vendor payable.
August 20: Pay employee for period ending 8/15.
August 22: $300 in office supplies purchased.
August 31: Received telephone bill for August in amount of $75. Payment is due on September 10.
August 31: Accrue wages earned for employee for period of August 16th through August 31st (Wage calculations table provided below). August 31: August bakery sales total $20,000. $7,500 of this total is on accounts receivable.

step Three (Click on the link to return to the prompt.)
Updated Scenario: Many customers have been asking for more hypoallergenic products, so in September you start carrying a line of hypoallergenic shampoos on

a trial basis. The following information relates to the purchase and sales of the shampoo:

 You use the perpetual inventory method. Although you could use the following valuation methods —FIFO, LIFO, or weighted average, you choose to use the FIFO method.

Data: The following events occur in September, 2018:
September 1: Paid dividends to self in amount of $10,000.
September 5: Pay employee for period ending 8/31.
September 7: Purchase merchandise for resale. See “Inventory Valuation” tab for details.
September 8: Receive payments from customers toward accounts receivable in amount of $4,000.
September 10: Pay August telephone bill.
September 11: Purchase baking supplies in amount of $7,000 from vendor on account.
September 13: Paid on supplies vendor account in amount of $5,000.
September 15: Accrue employee wages for period of September 1 through September 15.
September 15: Pay rent on bakery space: $1,500.
September 15: Record merchandise sales transaction. See “Inventory Valuation” tab for details.
September 15: Record impact of sales transaction on COGS and the inventory asset. See “Inventory Valuation” tab for details.September 20: Pay employee for period ending 9/15.
September 20: Purchase merchandise inventory for resale to customers. See “Inventory Valuation” tab for details.September 24: Record sales of merchandise to customers. See “Inventory Valuation” tab for details.



September 24: Record impact of sales transaction on COGS and the inventory asset. See “Inventory Valuation” tab for details.September 30: Purchase merchandise inventory for resale to customers. See “Inventory Valuation” tab for details.September 30: Accrue employee wages for period of September 16th through September 30th
September 30: Total September bakery sales are $20,000. $6,000 of these sales are on accounts receivable.

Wage calculation data:






31 Jul.




15 Aug.




31 Aug.




15 Sep.





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30 Sep.




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Your task for this week’s discussion is to read the required resources. You must then respond to ONE of the questions. This is called your INITIAL POST. Click the blue Start a New Thread button to post your response. Your Initial Post is due by Thursday, September 26 at 11:59 pm ET. Your Initial Post is worth 30 points and should be 250 words in length, which is equal to about 1 page of double-spaced writing in Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman 12 point font in a Word document. Need to cite in chicago form. 

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Using information from your text and at least one scholarly source, compare strengths and weaknesses of capital investment evaluation methods. You must respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts to receive full credit.


Accounting for Healthcare Professionals

Lita Epstein, Arnold Schneider

Georgia Institute of Technology

Editor in Chief, AVP: Steve Wainwright

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Editorial Assistant: Teresa Bdzil

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Cover Design: Sherry Russell

Printing Services: Bordeaux

Composition/Illustration: Lachina Publishing Services

Cover Image: Lite Productions/Thinkstock

ISBN-10: 1621781186

ISBN-13: 978-1-62178-118-9

Copyright © 2014 Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

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Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.


Please use the below link to assist with APA writing guidelines. APA will be used for all written assignments.…


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The Six-Source Essay: Expanded Synthesis Summary of assignment

My topic of choice is CORRUPTION IN AFRICA.

• Task: The six-source essay asks you to synthesize the arguments of six sources • Length: Minimum of 1300 words. • Format: APA • Sources: A total of six sources, all of which you will find through library searches. You will continue with the topic you have selected and will conduct additional searches in the library databases, hopefully focus the topic more, and determine the six or more sources to use in this essay. o Please use only six sources. Please do not incorporate more than six sources into this essay. Articles to Use for the Essay For this essay, you will select at least six articles on a topic of your choice. The articles should be on the same topic but feature different perspectives, research methods, opinions, or conclusions about some aspects of the topic. For example, if you are majoring in cybersecurity, you might locate six articles about the need for improved training for employees on mobile security issues. The six articles might take different angles on the topic. The articles might disagree on certain points, possibly disagreeing on the need for more employee training in this area, how to train employees in this area, or when to integrate training during an employee’s tenure. To use another example, if you are majoring in criminal justice, you might locate six articles on the CSI Effect. The articles should take different perspectives on the topic. Perhaps three of four of them will say that the CSI Effect exists and one or two will argue that it does not exist. Or perhaps all agree that it exists but they all take slightly different approaches to addressing the problem. Perhaps some were qualitative research studies, others were quantitative research studies, and others were mixed-methods research studies. Overall, try to determine categories of themes into which you can divide your six articles. You are strongly encouraged to write on the same topic on which you wrote writing assignment #3. You can simply expand on that topic for writing assignment #4. Please communicate with the professor if you are considering any significant changes in your topic. Point of view For this essay, you will use third-person point of view. Please do not use first person point of view (e.g., “I,” “me,” “we”) in writing this essay. In addition, please do not use second-person point of view (“you” or “your”) in writing this essay. For example, instead of “Smith argues that, as a director, you have a duty to coordinate cybersecurity efforts…” you would write, “Smith argues that directors have a duty to coordinate cybersecurity efforts…”


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