Training in Environmental Law in Indonesia Overview Review the article, Strengthening Environmental Law Compliance and Enforcement in Indonesia [PDF] . This case study describes a 12-week environmental law and enforcement workshop the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) held in Sydney, Australia for a group of 18 Indonesian judges, prosecutors, environmental law enforcement officers, and environmental nongovernment organizations’ lawyers. Thoroughly review the challenges posed to global educators in this case study. Concentrate on the leadership skills that will be needed to create and maintain educational opportunities in this stricken community for students of all ages and for all subject areas. Instructions Write a 4–6 page paper in which you: Differentiate between global and multicultural education and how each was exemplified in this case study. Speculate on the essential ways in which the environmental law and enforcement workshop could prepare its attendees to address the myriad of unique challenges that the Indonesian context might pose. Justify your response. Hypothesize the extent to which instructional interventions would reduce future degradation of Indonesia’s environment. Provide justification for your hypothesis. Prepare an argument to convince government officials to educate local citizens and lawmakers to prevent further environmental damage and offer strategies for improving environmental law enforcement. Provide support for your argument.

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As you have been learning, the culturally responsive, individually appropriate curriculum requires careful attention to values and attitudes, individual children, the classroom community, and how the environment, activities, program, and interactions are structured. In this Application Assignment, you will have the opportunity to observe within an early childhood environment to explore and evaluate how effectively the development and learning of each and every child is supported. Plan Print out and review the Culturally Responsive and Individually Appropriate Curriculum Assessment and Interview Form . Add two factors that you believe will help you better assess the program and practices. Review the interview portion of the assignment, making sure you fully understand each question prior to making your observation/interview appointment. Make sure that you have all materials that you need to conduct the observation and interview prior to arriving at the scheduled observation/interview time. Keep in mind when scheduling your observation that in order to observe interactions with families, it is important to schedule your observation during a period of time when families will be present. Arrive on time. Implement Choose a place to observe where you can see and hear but are unobtrusive. Conduct the interview in an area that is convenient for the professional, being respectful of his or her time schedule. Keep the following observation guidelines in mind: Try to not make assumptions; objectivity is essential. Record what you observe. Note any questions you would like to ask in the interview. Remember that you are observing one moment in time and so are not privy to specific circumstances and/or situations that may be affecting individual children or staff. Try to keep to the time span that you agreed upon for the observation and be sure to thank the teacher(s) in the room and the person you interview. Reflect on your observation and interview. Review your notes and consider the knowledge and insights you gained from this experience. Include the following: Summarize your observation and interview experience. Describe the ways in which what you learned from your observation and interview reflected and/or contradicted what you have learned about culturally responsive and individually appropriate practice. Based on your assessment of the program’s effectiveness, what practices do you feel should be continued? What additional suggestions would you make? What is your rationale for these suggestions? For this assignment, submit: Your completed Culturally Responsive and Individually Appropriate Curriculum Assessment and Interview Form Your Reflection, citing specific examples from your observation and interview

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Special education teachers sometimes must build positive, collaborative relationships around negative situations. Despite a situation’s circumstances, it is important to focus on student-centered solutions that offer support for both staff and students with the goal of long-term success. Review the following scenario to inform the assignment. Mr. Santiago’s sixth grade classroom is next to Ms. Lujano’s classroom and on some days the walls seem too thin. Ms. Lujano has shared with you, the special education teacher and consultant, her concerns with the tone Mr. Santiago uses in his classroom to redirect Joey, a student who has been diagnosed with an emotional disability. Joey struggles with getting to class on time, controlling his emotions, and understanding personal boundaries. Mr. Santiago often raises his voice to Joey, which frequently creates a power struggle between the two of them. Ms. Lujano does not feel this is an effective approach and has noticed that even after re-directing Joey, Mr. Santiago seems to continue to yell at him, sometimes for the entire class period, or until he has removed Joey from his classroom. Mr. Santiago has not shared any concerns with you and up until this conversation with Ms. Lujano, you were unaware that anything was going on. Shortly after talking with Ms. Lujano, you asked Mr. Santiago how things were going with Joey, and he admitted that he is often frustrated by Joey’s behavior. You offered to meet with Mr. Santiago to come up with some action steps that might be more beneficial for both Joey and him, and he agreed. Now you are creating an action plan to recommend to Mr. Santiago. Use the “Special Education Consultant Analysis Template” to complete this assignment. Support your choices with a minimum of three scholarly resources. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning   the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion

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1- This discussion question is based on pp. 303-343 of The Essential Theater, 10th ed. , by Oscar G. Brockett and Robert J. Ball. (Please see syllabus for complete bibliographic information). Topics you should know before answering this question: 1. The role of the director (pp. 322-324) 2. Approaches to directing (pp. 324-329) Includes: literal, translation, and auteur approaches 3. Design and casting (pp. 329-332) 4. Stage, gesture, voice and speech (pp. 332-338) The three different approaches to directing are the literal approach, the translation approach, and the auteur approach.  Explain the difference between these three approaches.  Then, explain what a translation approach to Romeo and Juliet might look like. 2- This discussion question is based on pp. 345-360 of The Essential Theater, 10th ed. , by Oscar G. Brockett and Robert J. Ball. (Please see syllabus for complete bibliographic information). Topics you should know before answering this question: 1. The actor’s training and means (pp. 346-357) 2. From training to performing (pp. 351-358) 3. Dress rehearsals and performance (pp. 359-360) Describe how an actor prepares for a role from the moment he or she gets the script to the final performance. Which aspects of this preparation do you think is most important and why? 3- This discussion question is based on pp. 27-32 and pp. 319-322 of The Essential Theater, 10th ed. , by Oscar G. Brockett and Robert J. Ball. You are a Broadway producer and are trying to select your next show to back.  You have two strong choices: the stage version of a popular animated film (like Disney’s Frozen) or a new dark comedy about the rise and fall of the 90s grunge rock movement.  What are the pros and cons of producing each show? Which of these shows would you choose and why?

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For this benchmark, you will create a unit plan containing three individual lesson plans designed for the students outlined in the “Class Profile.” Choose a grade level for the students, then select an NGSS from the physical, life, or earth/space sciences, as well as a health/nutrition standard from your state, for the 3-lesson unit. You may adapt any previous assignments in the creation of this mini-unit plan, as long as the three lessons form a planned, cohesive unit.  Use the 5E lesson plan template for each of the three lesson plans. In your unit, design the three lesson plans so that they: 1. Use a variety of teaching strategies and technologies that encourage the students’ development of critical thinking and problem solving. 2. Use strategies that create opportunities for students’ active engagement in their learning and promote a supportive learning environment. 3. Incorporate the use of digital resources to promote effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques while creating opportunities for active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the elementary classroom. 4. Integrate formative and summative assessment techniques that measure all four DOK levels, and provide students feedback on their learning so that they can make adjustments; and 5. Use differentiated strategies to meet the needs of all students in the “Class Profile.” Along with the unit, submit a 250-500 word rationale describing your reasoning for your instructional choices, your use of the 5E model, and how you connected the content to student learning needs.

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The instructions to the assessment are attached.. you can download the attachment and type answers there.. Each questions has its own rubric and instructions and explains what is needed.. DUE IN 48 HOURS

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Choose : Disney Locate information on your organization’s diversity policy. You may need to interview your organization’s diversity officer or human resources manager to obtain this information. If you are unable to find or use information about your organization, you may research another company’s diversity policy. Complete the Diversity Planning Grid . You may add blocks if you wish. Your team wants to improve or create the organizational diversity policies and provide an implementation plan for the company. Create a 6- or 7-slide presentation or a brochure to demonstrate your plan to the company’s chief executive officer (CEO). If you choose to create a brochure, you may click on the link for Brochure Builder and follow the instructions to build your brochure. Include the following components in your presentation or brochure: · Provide brief background information on your chosen organization. · Identify the organization’s need for the diversity planning improvement services. · Provide an outline of the proposed training or employee development plan. · Identify legal issues and obstacles that this organization could encounter. · Provide management a recommended course of action.

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Part 2:  Reflection In 250-500 words, reflect on best practices when designing and planning online learning experiences. Consider what you learned when creating your explainer video. Additionally, explain the general role of new and diverse media in online learning environments. Support your findings with 3-4 scholarly resources.

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In this assignment, you will write a reflective synthesis statement that examines your development and growth throughout the program and plans for the future. You will then upload your finalized documents from this course into Optimal Resume to be submitted to your instructor by sharing the hyperlink to your final Optimal Resume portfolio. Part 1: Reflective Synthesis Statement Write a 2–3 page paper in which you: Describe how you will apply what you have learned in the M.Ed. program in your future career. Analyze how you have grown in the areas of educational theory, design, and analysis throughout your time in the M.Ed. program. Examine your growth in the area of reflection and analyze the significant ways and extent to which the process of reflection caused you to become a more reflective practitioner. Propose 2–3 ways in which you would apply continued reflective activities within your current or prospective work environment. Describe how the reflective process will help you in the future. Part 2: Final Portfolio Submissions Upload a finalized version of the following documents that incorporates feedback from your instructor and peers: Reflective Journal: Communication and Leadership. Reflective Journal: Design and Analysis. Reflective Journal: Strengths-Based Reflection. Reflective Journal: Ethics and Diversity. Skills Analysis with Media Component. Professional Development Plan. Reflective Synthesis Statement. Write a 2–3 sentence description for each of the requested documents including your major takeaway or takeaways from the assignment. Share your portfolio’s URL into the comment box of Reflective Synthesis and Portfolio Submission to submit the assignment to Blackboard.

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Unit 4.1 Discussion: Critiquing Presentations After watching the speeches, “Anytown USA” and “No Child Left Behind: Addressing the School Dropout Rate Among Latinos”, in MindTap, critique the effectiveness of each speaker’s organization and delivery.  How did the choices made by the speaker impact the level of engagement you had with each speech? Some areas to comment on are: an engaging introduction, smooth transitions, credible evidence to support main ideas, concise conclusion with memorable ending, varied tone of voice, eye contact and other body language. In response to your peers, comment on any similarities you shared in your critique of the speeches. Unit 4.2 Discussion: Select your Informative Speech Topic In the next unit, you will begin researching and organizing your Informative speech.  In this discussion, please post your selected topic in the discussion board forum for your instructor’s approval.  In your post, please indicate the following: Topic Specific Purpose Thesis No Peer response necessary for this discussion.

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