Marco is a Mexican-American eighth grade student who has been identified as having an emotional/behavioral disorder, specifically mood disorder NOS (Not Otherwise Specified). Currently, he participates in a general education inclusive classroom. During his annual IEP meeting, the team reviewed recent test scores and determined he qualifies for the gifted program in English language arts (ELA) only. Therefore, Marco will continue to participate in the inclusive classroom for the remainder of his courses. Marco has continued to be successful in all his inclusive classes; however, he is struggling in his new gifted setting for ELA. Mrs. Stone, the gifted teacher, was not able to be present during the IEP meeting. She has never worked with a student who has an IEP prior to having Marco as a student in her classroom. Marco has mentioned that he is the only Hispanic or Latino student in the gifted class, and this has made him feel uncomfortable. He has stated that Mrs. Stone does not include him in the classroom conversations and speaks abruptly to him, but not to the other students. After one month of Marco being in the gifted class, Mrs. Stone has requested that a paraprofessional be present to support him. At the IEP meeting, the IEP team had determined that a paraprofessional was not necessary because Marco should be able to be successful in the gifted classroom without this level of support. After meeting with Marco previously on classroom concerns, and the request from Mrs. Stone, as the special education teacher, you completed a walk-through observation of the gifted classroom. You did notice that Marco was isolated in a corner and the teacher did not interact with him. In addition to the walk-through, you just received a phone call from Marco’s parents stating Mrs. Stone told Marco that he does not belong in this class. At this point, Marco no longer wants to be in the class because he does not feel welcome. The principal has come to you, the special education teacher, for assistance with supporting Mrs. Stone and Marco in being successful. The IEP team is scheduling another meeting to discuss goals and ideas to help Marco be successful in the gifted ELA classroom. The support of a paraeducator is part of the discussion as a possibility for Marco. Long-Term Goal: Provide long-term goal due date. Action Plan Short-Term Goals and Steps to Achieve the Long-Term Goal Short-Term Goal 1: (This goal should support the long-term goal of, and   address communication and collaboration between Marco’s   gifted teacher and special education teacher, specifying positives in working   with the student in their classrooms, as well as challenges that may arise. Content Justification As   applicable, justify content. Activities/Strategies What activities/strategies will help   implement the goal? Resources What resources are needed to implement   the goal? Timeline What is an appropriate timeline to   achieve the goal? Persons   Responsible What stakeholders will be responsible in   helping to achieve the goal and how will they collaborate? Evidence   of Success How will the goal be measured? Short-Term Goal 2: (The goal should support the long-term goal, and address   collaborative coaching for the gifted teacher to   include research-based instructional strategies and recommendations that relate   to Marcos’ disabilities, inclusive learning practices, and cultural diversity). Content Justification As   applicable, justify content. Activities/Strategies What activities/strategies will help   implement the goal? Resources What resources are needed to implement   the goal? Timeline What is an appropriate timeline to   achieve the goal? Persons   Responsible What stakeholders will be responsible in   helping to achieve the goal Evidence   of Success How will the goal be measured? Short-Term Goal 3: (This goal should support the long-term goal, and provide   collaborative coaching and guidance for the paraeducator to support the   …

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Final Paper Focus of the Final Paper For the final paper, you will examine key concepts of leadership in your place of work, or in a social organization to which you may belong that has leadership concepts (Rotary club, athletic team, scout leader, etc). Include the following in your paper: 1. Apply one of the leadership theories from the course text to the organization. Explain how the theory works and include an example. 2. Explain the effect of power and influence that leaders have on followers in the organization. Are the followers receptive? Would you recommend another strategy? Explain your reasoning. If not, why not? 3. Evaluate the role and effectiveness of transformational and transactional leadership in the organization. Support your (claims, points?) with examples (from?). 4. Assess the traits and characteristics of an effective team leader within the organization. 5. Explain how the leadership supports vision, mission, and strategy in the organization. 6. If you were the leader in the organization, what would you change and why? Writing the Final Paper The Final Paper: 1. Must be eight double-spaced pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. 2. Must include a title page with the following: o Title of paper o Student’s name o Course name and number o Instructor’s name o Date submitted 3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement. 4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. 5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis. 6. Must use at least three scholarly sources (other than the text), including a minimum of one from the Ashford Online Library. 7. Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. 8. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Required Text Weiss, J. W. (2015). An introduction to leadership . (2nd ed.). Retrieved from · This text is a Constellation™ course digital materials (CDM) title. Required Article Sinha, P. (2013, December 20). Doing good requires authentic leadership (Links to an external site.) . Forbes. Retrieved from Required Multimedia Forbes. (2011, October 5). What you can learn from Steve Jobs (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from

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Part A: will be a Continuation of the course guide that I attach. We are only adding Week 4-6 to what’s already in the course guide. Part B: You will log into the Blackboard coursesite. And create week 4-6. Weeks 1-3 is already done. User Name is – Lrat528 Password is – 2DJmasterl! This is the link to Website: . Assignment 5: Designing and Developing an e-Learning Course – Part 3 Due Week 10 and worth 200 points This is a continuation of assignment 4. Preparation: Click here to access the CourseSites Tutorial Series. Go to the Course sites Website and go through the tutorials. You will use this Website to create your course. Continuing developing your Course Guide: Part A Course Guide Content – Described 1. List the three to five (5)  learning outcomes for Weeks 4-6 of instruction. 2. Design a weekly schedule for Weeks 4-6 of instruction that includes: (a) Topic(s) and (b) learning outcomes that are aligned with the topics. 3. Include in the weekly schedule (a) two (2) discussion questions for each of the three (3) weeks and (b) required activities. 4. List two (2) assignments: (a) an essay test with three (3) questions and (b) a writing assignment. 5. Discuss at least two (2) challenges and two (2) benefits with the process of designing and developing this mini online course. Part B Blackboard Shell – Developed 7. Build content areas for Weeks 4-6 of instruction in the course shell. ( Note: Each content area must include at least one item that has 3-4 completed power points slides pertaining to the content and knowledge domain of your mini-course. Use the steps listed Week 4-Part A to complete this task.) 8. List three to five (3-5)  learning outcomes for the last three (3) weeks of instruction. (Use the steps listed from Week 4-Part A to complete this task.) 9. Build in the weekly schedule for Weeks 4-6 of instruction that includes: (a) Topic(s) and (b) learning outcomes that are aligned with these topics. Use the steps listed from Week 4-Part A to complete this task. 10. Create a new forum and name it Weeks 4-6 Discussion Forum. 11. Provide (a) two (2) discussion questions based on the information presented for Weeks 4-6 and (b) required activities in the weekly schedule. (Post the two (2) discussion questions by creating a new thread for each question.) 12. Develop three (3) essay questions by creating an assignment in the Assessments link (Left Course Menu) based on the content from Weeks 4-6. Use the steps listed from Week 4-Part A to complete this task. 13. Develop the Gradebook, ensuring that all the assignments, discussions, and quizzes are included with the appropriate points and possible weight. (Control Panel>Grade Center>Full Grade Center.)

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Discussion Post #3: Early Childhood Screenings: Family and Culture No unread replies.No replies. Read the Family Case Studies (1-A Family Characteristics) found in the Course Content area of Canvas. Then complete the corresponding worksheet (1-B) and post your responses to the discussion Board. Increase your own self awareness (you do not have to post your responses to the self assessment): Take the National Center for Cultural Competence self assessment: PROMOTING CULTURAL DIVERSITY AND CULTURAL COMPETENCY Self-Assessment Checklist for Personnel Providing Services and Supports to Children with Disabilities & Special Health Needs and their Families . Find the self-assessment at (Links to an external site.)

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PSY 635 Week 2 Quantitative Methods Quiz Quantitative Methods Quiz Question 1 When recruiting human subjects for a research study, the researcher must provide information about the potential risks and benefits of participation and allow the person to freely decide whether or not to participate. This process is called obtaining _____. Question 2 If two measurements from the same group of people are being compared, which type of t-test must be used? Question 3 A threat to internal validity in which concurrent events outside of the experiment may affect the dependent variable is called _____. Question 4 Which of the following is an example of a ratio scale? Question 5 The interval and ratio scales belong to which category of measurement scales? Question 6 The two parameters needed to define a normal distribution are _____. Question 7 This measure of variability is the square root of the variance. Question 8 According to Henrich, Heine, and Norenzayan, many experimental findings cannot be widely generalized because most of the world’s population is not _____. Question 9 Measurable characteristics of a population are called _____. Question 10 Measured characteristics of a sample are called _____.

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Learning Theories Paper Instructions At this point, you have learned about several learning theories such as behaviorism, social cognitive theory, information processing theory, and constructivism. For this paper, you must discuss 1 of these theories in a 5–7-page paper (in addition to title/reference pages), utilizing at least 5 scholarly sources published within the last 5 years.Choose the theory with which you most identify as a learner. Your paper must include the following sections: • A title page in current APA format;• A summary of the major components and theorists associated with the theory;• At least three examples of  how lessons and activities in the classroom would be differentiated to incorporate this theory;• A discussion of how this learning theory will impact classroom management and student learning; and• A discussion of why you most closely identify with this particular theory. The following items must be addressed within the above sections.You will need to demonstrate the following in order to fall into the Proficient category on the grading rubric for this assignment: PRE-A1. • Discuss and present a basic comprehensive summary of the learning theory.• Demonstrate a Christian worldview and approach to teaching and learning throughout the paper. PRE-B2. • Discuss and present more than 1 way to plan instructional time for students based upon the students’ individual developmental learning needs, referencing the selected learning theory. PRE-B3. • Discuss and present more than 3 ways to differentiate instruction in the classroom to meet the students’ various learning needs, referencing the selected learning theory. PRE-B4. • Discuss and present more than 1 way to manage and motivate students in order to maximize the learning of the students who identify with the selected learning theory. PRE-C5. • Discuss and present why you, as a learner and professional, most closely identify with this selected theory.• Describe how you can utilize your knowledge of this theory to assist students in your classroom. Dispositions: • This paper must be composed in current APA format. Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 7.

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The fourth step in planning a unit plan is to research and decide on the necessary materials and resources that create engagement through anticipatory sets and help to develop confidence as competent users of technology. Part 1: Materials, Resources, and Technology Complete the “Materials, Resources, and Technology” sections of the “Science Unit Plan.” Include appropriate and relevant materials, resources, and technology that successfully: Support students in chosen content, development of relevant skills, and encourage student engagement. Support diverse student needs and learning advancement. The details of the “Science Unit Plan” will continue to be fully developed and revised throughout the duration of the course, culminating in a complete unit plan due in Topic 5. Part 2: Reflection In 250-500 words, summarize and reflect on how planning for materials, resources, and technology can create engagement and motivation during a lesson. How can you utilize informational resources to engage students and help develop their confidence as competent users of technology? How will you evaluate curriculum materials, school/district resources, student data to make sure you are using appropriate and relevant materials? Support your reflection with at least two scholarly resources.

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Teachers will sometimes encounter situations in which students become a danger to themselves or others. It is important for teachers to have a plan in place to respond in ways that are ethical, legal, and appropriate for all students involved. Teachers should incorporate behavior management strategies that are proactive in preventing the escalation of these behaviors, as well. Design a handout (e.g., brochure, flyer) for paraprofessionals and substitute teachers that provides a visual representation of an intervention plan for a classroom. Your handout should include step-by-step procedures for incidents that involve severe/injurious behaviors (e.g., a student lashes out or becomes physical) as well as visual representations. In addition, rationalize your choices in a 500-750 word summary. Justify the procedures outlined within your handout and discuss how you would communicate this plan with students. Support your choices with 2-3 scholarly resources. Attach the Classroom Crisis Prevention and Intervention Plan Handout and rationale as one submission.

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Discussion question (Instructor) On Page 3 of the Introduction in our textbook – Managing & Using Information Systems: A Strategic Approach – Figure 1-1 lists reasons why business managers should participate in information systems decisions. Reply to this Discussion question (800 or more words) Select 4 of these reasons and find a peer-reviewed journal article to support each reason. Try to find articles that are less than 5 years old. You will have 4 reasons and 4 journal articles . In one paragraph, summarize the article. Make sure you cite and reference the articles correctly. Reply to any two of your classmates’ post (300 or more words). You do not need a new reference list with these replies, unless you cite sources not already cited in you original reply to the Discussion question. If so, include all sources cited in one reference list.

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Part 1: Revised Lesson Plan Working with your certified general education teacher, analyze data from the pre-assessment given to your identified small group as part of your Field Experience C assignment. Revise the writing portion of your completed lesson plan from your Field Experience C assignment after determining how to use the data to develop further strategies or interventions to support learning needs. Share your revised writing activity with your certified general education classroom teacher to discuss changes made based on pre-assessment data. With your small group, review the previous lesson’s reading comprehension and vocabulary concepts, and then teach the writing activity. Upon completion of the writing portion of the lesson, use the pre-assessment to post-assess students. Part 2: Lesson Reflection In 250-500 words, summarize and reflect upon instructional choices, lesson delivery, as well as pre- and post- assessment data. Rationalize your instructional choices and identify successes of lesson plan delivery as well as areas of potential growth. In addition, reflect on pre-assessment and your checks for understanding to determine improvement of content based on delivery of instruction. Identify results and changes you hope to make for future assessments. Be sure to explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice. Submit your revised lesson plan and reflection as one deliverable. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. Homework for $30 this was one of the homework I needed too, if you can kindly have its finish by Monday sorry for the confusion. For this benchmark, you will use the following case scenario to develop a research-based early reading comprehension plan for the student. Your plan will consist of learning activities that facilitate vocabulary development and reading comprehension. Case Scenario: Seven-year-old Alfonso has two months left in his first grade year. He is active and outgoing, has many friends, and loves to play soccer. Science is his favorite subject. He enjoys learning anything related to space and sloths. He is very curious and particularly likes hands-on academic activities that use manipulatives. Alfonso enjoys reading and writing, but struggles. During literacy class instruction, Alfonso is able to sound out words well, but struggles with word meanings and finding connections among words in various grade appropriate texts. Alfonso also struggles with reading comprehension and has a particularly hard time making connections between what he reads and what he already knows. He often brings up irrelevant information when trying to make these connections. Alfonso’s teacher, Ms. Seymour, wants to utilize specific strategies for Alfonso to ensure he masters the vocabulary and comprehension skills that are expected before the end of the year. Part 1: Vocabulary Development Select a children’s story to teach from (e.g., “The Three Little Pigs”) that could be used to develop Alfonso’s vocabulary and reading comprehension skills. Based on the story that you have chosen, devise a learning activity aligned with a curricular/academic goal for Alfonso that focuses on vocabulary development. Utilize at least two research-based strategies to address your curricular/academic goal. Choose strategies that incorporate reading, writing, speaking, viewing, listening, and thinking skills. Provide opportunities for Alfonso to apply these skills to different situations, materials, and ideas. In a 150-250 word description, include the following: The aligned curricular/academic goal (standards). A brief explanation regarding how the learning activity would be carried out. An explanation regarding the research-based st…

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