The essay project will analyze a current issue in terrorism. Consider a recent terrorist incident or pattern of incidents in the United States or around the world within the past two years. Describe the incident and the perpetrating group or individual. Discuss the group’s or individual’s rationale for the incident; discuss this rationale in terms of the theories discussed in class. Consider the incident as a whole, and review any preparedness and mitigation that occurred prior to the incident and the response and recovery that occurred after the incident. How did this incident relate to other acts of terrorism around the world? How did this incident relate to other current issues in the affected nation or in the world? The essay will be 10-12 pages of content, with additional pages as required for a title page, references, attachments, etc. Use at least ten peer-reviewed sources, in addition to your text, to support your analysis. Use the essay assignments attached below build your essay project, but note that these three essays are not the complete project – you will have additional information and analysis outside of these essays.
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