Write 2 paper. Examine narrative, informational, and digital texts on a single topic for your literacy learner grade 1 level. (Florida CCSS). Then. select 3 reading texts on single topic include, Title and author of each text or website address for the digital text. Answer the questions in the assignment to support the three texts you choose.  see attachment for assignment. • The topic or unit of study • Title and author of each text • Include the URL, or website address, for the digital text

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Classroom Management Programs Presentation:

100 pts.  You will choose from one of the following nationally known and implemented classroom management programs:

  • Responsive Classroom
  • Love and Logic
  • Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
  • Responsible Thinking Process
  • Real Restitution

*Others may be approved by instructor*You will conduct independent research on your chosen program and develop a presentation that will be shared through the Discussion Board with your classmates at the end of the semester. This presentation can be in the form of a Prezi, video, Wiki, or PowerPoint presentation and posted in the discussion board. You must include a bibliography of your research in addition to the presentation.

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Final Paper Preparation Worksheet

This template will help you prepare for your final paper by organizing the information for your final paper, walking you through the process of defining your topic, researching, and analyzing primary and secondary sources, creating an annotated bibliography, and crafting a thesis. Once you have completed the worksheet submit it to the online classroom for grading.

After your instructor has graded the worksheet, please be sure to use it and the feedback provided to you by your instructor as you construct your final paper. Please write in black or a contrasting font. 1. Identification of Subject:

Identify the group that you selected in week 1 of the course. Your final paper will focus on this group and how this group has experienced American history.

As a reminder, the groups were:

· African Americans

· Native Americans

· Women

· Immigrants

Which topic have you chosen?  


2. Events

Choose FOUR specific events relating to your group that you plan to discuss in your final paper. The events should help you explain the changes that occurred for this group from 1877 to the present, including the challenges and achievements that are a part of that group’s history.

· Two events must be from the period between 1877 and 1945

· Two events must be from the period 1945 to the present.

At least one event from each period should focus on the political and/or civil rights of the chosen group.

It is recommended that you consult the HIS 206 Timeline in selecting your events, especially for the period 1945- present, as those are covered in the last two weeks of the course.

On this worksheet and in your final paper, be sure to discuss the events you have chosen in the order in which they happened. This will help you put together a project that makes historical sense.

If you need help with finding events or sources, go to the HIS 206 Final Paper Support Page.

If you are having trouble completing this form or have questions, be sure to contact your instructor.

For each event please state:

1. The name of the event

2. When it took place

3. Where in the US it occurred

4. Who was involved

5. What circumstances contributed to the event

6. How this event was historically significant

Event 1 (1877 – 1945):

Event 2 (1877 – 1945):

Event 3 (1945 – present):

Event 4 (1945 – present):

3. Sources

For your final paper, you are required to incorporate two primary and two secondary sources. You should choose sources that are related to the events described above. This will help you explain the changes that occurred for your selected group from 1877 to the present, including the challenges and achievements that are a part of that group’s history. For this assignment, you will provide an APA (American Psychological Association) reference citation for each source and provide one to two paragraph annotations that discuss the main points of the source, how it relates to your group, and explains how this evidence will be helpful in your final paper.

Please remember that there are primary sources listed in the Week 3 Discussion Board. You are free to use those primary sources, or you may find your own. You are also welcome to use the primary and secondary sources listed in the weekly required or recommended sources. Do not use the textbook as either a primary or secondary source in this assignment.

Primary Sources:

Primary sources are documents or artifacts created during a historical event or by someone who personally witnessed a historical event. Keep in mind that primary sources tell us the viewpoint of an individual at a particular point in time. It is recommended that you use the U.S. Library of Congress’ primary source analysis tool for help with analyzing primary sources.

For this assignment, and your final, you will need to locate two primary sources related to your topic. For help locating primary sources refer to the HIS206: Primary Sources Research Guide. (You will need to be logged into the library for this link to work. Refer to the first video in the Week 3 Lesson for help with accessing the library to find primary sources.)

If you need help with finding events or sources, please go to the HIS 206 Final Paper Support Page. If you are having trouble completing this form, or have questions, be sure to contact your instructor.

APA Citation for Primary Source 1:

Provide the APA citation for your source. Here are some examples of APA citations.


Annotation for Primary Source 1:

In your own words, provide an annotation explaining what the source is, where it came from, what this source can tell us about your topic, what information this source provides that will help you address the final paper prompt, and how this source will help you prove your thesis. Be sure to provide specific information in your annotation. Here are some examples of annotations .


APA Citation for Primary Source 2:

Provide the APA citation for your source. Here are some examples of APA citations.


Annotation for Primary Source 2:

In your own words, provide an annotation explaining what the source is, where it came from, what this source can tell us about your topic, what information this source provides that will help you address the final paper prompt, and how this source will help you prove your thesis. Be sure to provide specific information in your annotation. Here are some examples of annotations .


Scholarly Secondary Sources

Secondary scholarly sources are accounts of historical events written by professional historians after the events took place. They are interpretations of events within context and have a central argument. You will need to locate two scholarly secondary sources – either scholarly book chapters or articles – related to your topic. Please make sure that you identify sources written by historians, not other scholars. It is recommended that you use the JSTOR database to identify scholarly articles because you can do an advanced search for History journals.

For help locating scholarly secondary sources refer to the HIS206: Secondary Sources Research Guide. (You will need to be logged into the library for this link to work. Refer to the second video in the Week 3 Lesson for help with accessing the library to find secondary sources.)

If you need help with finding events or sources, please go to the HIS 206 Final Paper Support Page. If you are having trouble completing this form, or have questions, be sure to contact your instructor.


APA Citation for Secondary Source 1:

Provide the APA citation for your source. Here are some examples of APA citations.


Annotation for Secondary Source 1:

In your own words, provide an annotation explaining what the source is, where it came from, what this source can tell us about your topic, what information this source provides that will help you address the final paper prompt, and how this source will help you prove your thesis. Be sure to provide specific information in your annotation. Here are some examples of annotations .


APA Citation for Secondary Source 2:

Provide the APA citation for your source. Here are some examples of APA citations.


Annotation for Secondary Source 2:

In your own words, provide an annotation explaining what the source is, where it came from, what this source can tell us about your topic, what information this source provides that will help you address the final paper prompt, and how this source will help you prove your thesis. Be sure to provide specific information in your annotation. Here are some examples of annotations .

Click or tap here to enter text.

4. Introduction and Thesis Statement

Provide an introduction and thesis statement for your final paper. An introduction introduces your topic and approach. A thesis is a sentence length statement of the main idea of your paper. You can think of a thesis as the one sentence that you want the reader to take away from your paper.

Your introduction and thesis statement should summarize the changes that occurred for your chosen group from 1877 to the present, including the challenges and achievements that are a part of that group’s history. A good introduction and thesis should be informed by the findings of your sources, and your analysis of your events.

For more information about thesis statements, consult the University of Iowa’s Writing a Thesis webpage.

Draft of Introduction and thesis:

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The application of social change, leadership, and advocacy to a specific human and social services organization is a systematic process. The initial step is to select and delineate a professional or societal issue about which you are passionate, and then locate an organization from anywhere in the world whose mission is related to this issue. Once you determine the issue and organization that you will focus on, the next step is to set a manageable social change, leadership, or advocacy-related goal for the organization. Human services professionals can strive to achieve and/or support social change, leadership, or advocacy-related goals by creating a strategic plan. Throughout this course, you will develop the core elements of a strategic plan for your Capstone Project. You build off the coursework you completed in previous courses to conduct a needs assessment as well as develop the fundamentals, strategic issues, and technical elements of the strategic plan. To prepare for this Discussion: Review this week’s Learning Resources, considering strategies and approaches that human and social services professionals may use to achieve social change, leadership, and advocacy goals. Review the Capstone Project Overview in the Course Information area and the Final Project: Developing a Strategic Plan – Introduction to the Final Project media in the Weekly Resources. Select one professional or societal issue that arouses your passion as a human and social services professional, and then choose a human or social services agency or organization, or a community, that works to support this issue. This can be a local, regional, national, or international agency, organization, or community. Throughout the completion of your Capstone Project, you will explore this issue and agency in depth, examining them from multiple perspectives. Therefore, you should select an agency, organization, or community issue that speaks to you as a human and social services professional. By Day 4 Identify the agency, organization, or community for which you will develop a strategic plan. State whether the agency, organization, or community exists at the local, regional, national, or international level. Then, discuss why you have chosen this agency to focus on for your Capstone Project. Also, discuss whether your strategic plan will be developed from the perspective of social change, leadership, or advocacy for the agency, organization, or community. Explain why you have chosen to focus on that particular perspective for your strategic plan. References Homan, M. S. (2016). Promoting community change: Making it happen in the real world (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage. Chapter 1, “Understanding the Challenge to Change” (pp. 4–33) Chapter 12, “Taking Action—Strategies and Tactics” (pp. 379—417) Almog-Bar, M., & Schmid, H. (2014). Advocacy activities of nonprofit human service organizations: A critical review. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 43(1), 11–35. doi:10.1177/0899764013483212. Shier, M. L., & Handy, F. (2016). Executive leadership and social innovation in direct-service nonprofits: Shaping the organizational culture to create social change. Journal of Progressive Human Services, 27(2), 111–130. doi:10.1080/10428232.2016.1155429. Shier, M. L., & Handy, F. (2014). From advocacy to social innovation: A typology of social change efforts by nonprofits. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 26(6), 2581–2603. doi:10.1007/s11266-014-9535-1. https://mym.cdn.laureate-media.com/2dett4d/Walden/HUMN/8660/CH/mm/final_project/index.html

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After viewing “Lessons from the Real World: Social Issues and Student Involvement, “research other service learning opportunities for K-12 students that promote cultural knowledge and the principles of social justice. Using the “Service Learning Ideas,” submit a list of 7-10 potential service learning projects for K-12 students. While APA format is not required for this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines.

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Write a 300 word letter of intent as an educator that includes the following: A brief description of specific curricular and professional progression requirements and how they will be fulfilled. A brief description of the licensure and certification requirements in your state and how they will be maintained. How you will maintain your dispositions in the classroom, through demonstrating ethical behavior in instruction and assessment. Goals for professional development and areas for continued learning. APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

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Quiz 5 Question 1 1 out of 1 points The writer of the Gospel of John identifies himself only as “the disciple Jesus loved.” Question 2 1 out of 1 points A slave’s birth was unimportant, so Mark does not include the birth of Christ. Question 3 1 out of 1 points The last twelve verses of Mark are included in the KJV but modern translations like the NASB, NKJV, ESV, HCSB, and NIV usually use footnotes or a combination of footnotes and brackets to indicate that some manuscripts lack the verses. Question 4 1 out of 1 points Which of the following is not a miracle that Jesus performed? Question 5 1 out of 1 points Which of the following books are Pauline Epistles? Question 6 1 out of 1 points John uses this central “I am” declaration to affirm the deity of Christ. One of these “I Am” declarations is: Question 7 1 out of 1 points The New Testament consists of twenty-seven books that were written in Koine Greek or common Greek. Question 8 0 out of 1 points Jesus asked James three times, “Do you love Me?” Upon Peter’s positive confession Jesus recommissioned him to service. Question 9 1 out of 1 points All of Jesus’ activity in Mark focus on His Judean ministry with the final week focused exclusively on activities in Jerusalem. Question 10 1 out of 1 points Because Matthew, Mark, and Luke have more stories in common with one another, these three Gospels are called the “_____________ Gospels.” Question 11 0 out of 1 points Which of the following books are General Epistles Question 12 0 out of 1 points Which of the following is not a parable of Jesus? Question 13 1 out of 1 points According to the Gospel of John Jesus’ mission to the Jews was highlighted by seven miraculous signs. One of these signs is Question 14 1 out of 1 points During Jesus’ post-resurrection appearances He comforted Mary, convinced Thomas of His resurrection, and reassured Peter that he was forgiven for denying Him. Question 15 0 out of 1 points John addresses his Gospel to Theophilus who may have been a Roman official or a nobleman who recently became a Christian. Question 16 0 out of 1 points Matthew’s Gospel opens with the genealogy of Jesus traced all the way back through King David and concluding with Isaac who was the child of promise. Question 17 1 out of 1 points The Acts of the Apostles covers the time from Pentecost to Paul’s imprisonment. Question 18 0 out of 1 points Mark recounts nearly _______ miracles of Jesus. Question 19 1 out of 1 points John sees prophetic fulfillment in the fact that when they pierced Jesus’ side with a spear both blood and water came out at once. Question 20 0 out of 1 points Matthew’s portrait of Christ is that of Question 21 1 out of 1 points In the Gospels, __________, Paul’s physician-missionary, writes with the Greek mentality in view. Question 22 1 out of 1 points The content of the New Testament Letters is doctrinal and personal. Question 23 1 out of 1 points John uses this central “I am” declaration to affirm the deity of Christ. One of these “I Am” declarations is: Question 24 1 out of 1 points John uses this central “I am” declaration to affirm the deity of Christ. One of these “I Am” declarations is: Question 25 1 out of 1 points In John 3 Jesus met _______________, a Jewish ruler in Jerusalem, to whom He explains what it means to be “born again.” Question 26 1 out of 1 points At his crucifixion Jesus asked for a drink. John view this as a prophetic fulfillment. Question 27 1 out of 1 points Which of the following is not a parable of Jesus? Question 28 1 out of 1 points The book of Revelation was written by John on the island of Question 29 1 out of 1 points In contrast to the Synoptic Gospels, the Gospel of John focuses more on the seven _________________ of Christ. Question 30 1 out of 1 points Matthew’s Gospel describes five extended teaching sessions, which are arranged in five major discourses. This was done so that readers could better follow what Jesus said about specific subjects. Question 31 1 ou…

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ETHC 101 CAPSTONE ESSAY INSTRUCTIONS Summary This assignment is an essay that brings all of the knowledge and skills developed in this course to bear on a single ethical issue. Each student will write an 1800-2000 word essay (not including footnotes, the title page, table of contents, and bibliography) that combines the insights and arguments of the second and third discussion boards into a single carefully-articulated work. Format should be 12pt, Times New Roman font and in Turabian format. Content Begin your paper with a brief introductory paragraph that clearly states your goals, thesis, and method. State what metaethical theory you are contrasting to a Christian ethic, the issue in applied ethics you are addressing, the conclusion(s) on that issue that you want to defend. Next, provide a lengthy and detailed comparative analysis of the two metaethical theories—Christian ethics and another theory—showing which theory is stronger. This will likely reflect what you argued for in your Discussion Board 2 thread and the feedback that you received from the professor and/or classmates who responded to your thread. Here you can go into much more detail than you could in the Discussion Board, which was limited to 600 words. If you use half of your paper on this section, then it will be roughly three to four pages. Next, proceed to the applied ethics issue that you discussed in your Discussion Board 3 thread. Here you should greatly expand upon your argument. Add detail, nuance, and argumentation, providing a fairly complete and comprehensive argument for how a Christian ethic would approach this issue. Or, if you defended an alternate theory in DB 2, formulate an application based on that theory. You may illustrate the issue with real-life examples, but please do not fill your paper with anecdotes. You should anticipate possible objections to your approach to the issue and respond to them in an objective and informed manner. (For ideas on how others might object to your approach, a good place to begin would be your classmate’s reply to your DB3 thread, but you need not stop there. Your own imagination and the many books and articles that have been published on issues in applied ethics can provide a wealth of possible arguments relevant to every issue.) You are encouraged to use quotes from sources as a way to support your arguments, but quotes should not make up more than one and a half pages of your essay. Your final paragraph should reflect what you have argued in your thesis. It should recap what you have accomplished and how you have accomplished it. Research This paper is not required to utilize any sources outside of those that were used in the class (the two textbooks, the videos, and the PointCast presentations), but use of additional resources is permitted and encouraged. At the minimum the paper should utilize the resources from the class. All resources used must be listed in the bibliography and any resources quoted, paraphrased, or alluded to must be documented via footnotes formatted according to Turabian. Sources such as Wikipedia and online dictionaries do not count as academic sources and should not be used. Biblical references are encouraged, but will not count as an academic source. Remember, your footnotes and bibliography (if you had one) do not count toward the 2000 word limit. You will be penalized if you exceed the limit, so please do not. Format Your paper must begin with a title page that includes a paper title, your name, the date, and the course name and number. The second page of your paper must be a table of contents. The last page of your paper must be devoted to your bibliography. The paper must utilize 12 point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with one inch margins. It must be double-spaced rather than triple-spaced between paragraphs and there should be only one space after the end of each sentence. Any documentation in the body of your paper must be done via footnotes formatted acco…

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NO WORD COUNT Guided Response: Respond to at least two peers. In responses, evaluate how your understanding of 21st-century skills, UDL and career and technical education is either in concert with or contrasts from the discussion presented by your peers. Paying close attention to the evaluation they presented on how UDL can be incorporated to support career and technology education. McKenzie Berndt Analyze in a paragraph Career and Technical Education (CTE) by giving a succinct summary of your understanding of this area of education. Career and Technical Education (CTE) are classes that take place within a school that allow students to learn and become specialized in a field or trade that will benefit him or her after he or she get out of school. These classes can be trade classes such as mechanical or they can be cosmetology or even in the medical field. These programs are designed to help students who may not want to go onto higher education and give those students an opportunity to learn about an industry or field that he or she may want to go into. Many students do not want to continue on after high school so CTE is important in educating students about different jobs and giving those students the tools to continue on into one of those areas. Evaluate in a paragraph how the principles of UDL support career and technical education. UDL supports career and technical education by allowing students to learn in a way that best suits him or her. UDL gives different learners different ways to learn in a way that is tailored to his or her needs. The UDL principles support CTE by allowing students with different interests than other students to find a career that best suits him or her. Students are allowed to choose from a variety of different options to pick a class that best fits what he or she wants to do. This allows students who are hands on to learn in a different way rather than from a textbook. It allows on the job experience to students and gives the students a path to entering a career that is for him or her. Summarize in a paragraph the relationship between the goals of CTE, learner motivation, and acquisition of 21st-century skills. 21st century skills is incorporated into CTE by giving flexibility to learners to pursue other areas of interest than just college. It allows students to think critically and to collaborate with one another in his or her field of interest. This allows students to continue on a path to a career beyond once he or she have graduated. The goal of CTE is to help students by giving him or her opportunities along with giving him or her lifelong skills that to help them succeed in their careers. This motivates learners by keeping their interest in what is being taught and allowing students the opportunity to choose what interests him or her without them being placed in required courses that the student sees no value in. Describe in a paragraph, or by using a table or some other visual, what you learned by reviewing your state’s Department of Education webpage on CTE and/or your local school district’s utilization of CTE. In our school district students are able to shadow the field that he or she are interested in, do internships, apprenticeships, or co-ops. Our district also has a technology center where students can go and learn about different trades and get the hands-on experience that he or she need. Students are able to gain experience in the field and also continue on after high school with careers in whatever field he or she are learning about. I personally really like this because many students are not able to or do not want to continue on to a higher education. Students for example who are interested in nursing and want to continue on are able to complete a CNA. I think that this is great for students who are interested in a specific field and do not have to worry about getting the experience after graduation. These students are able to have the experience and knowledge in a ce…

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this is due tonight within 6 hours…… no late work…… due within 6 hours…… Please fill out the attachment and use the attached book for guidance and reference. Based on child development in the US.

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