1. Do you feel that your supervisor (you work for an IT firm) has competence in his or her abilities? Does your supervisor have the ability to lead? Why or why not?

2. Describe your supervisor’s ability and style of communication. Do you feel it is effective? Why or why not?

Please use APA format .

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Please report on one well-known or galley-level work of craft, fiber/textile art, high-art fashion or industrial design made between 1945 and 2010 CE. The work can, for instance, be an Eames chair, a Hitomi Hosono porcelain, or a Jagoda Buic fiber work. The work should be three-dimensional and have a use-function, as well as an art function, as noted in your readings. Your report should be at least 400 words, and should include these numbered sections:

1. Image: Post an image or link to your chosen work, with the MLA citation and URL to the source.

2. Material Data: Name the artist/designer (if known), date(s), current location or museum, materials used and size. Note its use(s) and any special production techniques utilized.

3. Formal Analysis: Describe your chosen work using at least four (4) of these categories: Line, Shape and Form, Space, Texture, Value and Light, Color, and Implied Movement (Time), Repetition, Variety, Rhythm, Balance, Compositional Unity, Emphasis, Economy, and/or Proportion.

4. [NEW] Gender/Race/Identity Analysis: This section will require research beyond your readings. Report on how this chosen work reflects on race, identity and/or gender. For instance the work might be meditating on Black, Latino or immigrant experience in America or women’s or LGBT discrimination, or a work that simply reinforces the mainstream White male heterosexual “status quo”. Even if the work does not explicitly deal with these issues, analyze these issues within the work, given its appearance at this time and place. (Note that the artist may not have had the intention to design a work that deals with these global issues, but every work appears in a political context, and therefore makes a comment on these issues).

On these methods see:

Nochlin, Linda (1971). Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists? Women, Art and Power and Other Essays. Westview Press.
https://deyoung.famsf.org/files/whynogreatwomenartists_4.pdf (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Race and Identity Sources by Lee and Rachel
http://arthistoryteachingresources.org/lessons/race-and-identity/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

5. Personal Reflections: Why did you choose this work? What are its least and most attractive aspects to you?

6. MLA citations to your research sources.

Initial posting: up to 16 possible points.
Substantial reply to at least two other students: up to 10 possible points
Spelling, grammar, formatting and citations: up to 4 possible points.
TOTAL : 30 possible points

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This assessment is a culmination of the previous assessments you have completed during this course. In this assessment, you will synthesize your previous research as well as conduct research on the final element of the Code, Element 9. Element 9 states that a test user, “evaluate(s) the available evidence on the performance of test takers of diverse subgroups . . . determine(s) to the extent feasible which performance differences may have been caused by factors unrelated to the skills being assessed.” Together, the previous assessments and this current one involving Element 9 will provide you with the data, research, and literature reviews across all nine elements of the Code to assist your decision-making process about the appropriate selection of a test.

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Type up one body paragraph from your poetrys.

Which i’m going to upload them for you

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I need a case study on the attached question. min 500 words, APA format and references are important.

Please check for Turnitin percentage.

From Chapter 7, page 304, Real World Exercise 7.1

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  • Analyze different elements of the accounting equation: assets, liabilities, and stockholder’s equity
  • Appropriately prepare the four basic financial statements
  • Evaluate the principles of accrual and deferral accounting
  • Credit journal entries with debits and credits

login and password required

accounting assignment

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Step Instructions Point Value
1 Start Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch03_Cap_Gym.xlsx. Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the filename.

2 You will create a pie chart to focus on the expenses for the current year.

Insert a 2-D pie chart using the ranges A11:A19 and D11:D19 on the Income worksheet.

3 Move the chart to a new chart sheet named Expenses. Move it to the right of the Membership sheet. 3
4 The chart needs a descriptive, easy-to-read title.

Change the chart title to Expenses for Year 3 and change the font size to 20.

5 You want to create a clustered bar chart.

Insert a clustered bar chart using the ranges A4:D4 and A11:D19 on the Income worksheet.

6 You want to place this chart and other charts on a Summary worksheet to look at trends.

Move the chart as an object on the Summary worksheet. Cut the bar chart and paste it in cell I1.

7 The chart should have a descriptive title to explain which expenses are excluded.

Change the bar chart title to Expenses (Without Payroll and Cost of Sales).

8 You want to filter out the Payroll and Cost of Sales to focus on other expenses. The bar chart displays expenses the first expense (Advertising) at the bottom of the category axis. You want to reverse the categories to display in the same sequence as the expenses are listed in the worksheet.

Apply a chart filter to remove Payroll and Cost of Sales. Select the category axis and use the Format Axis task pane to display categories in reverse order. Change the Maximum Bound to 25000.

9 You decide to format the pie chart with data labels and remove the legend because there are too many categories for the legend to be effective.

Display the Expenses sheet and remove the legend. Add Percent and Category Name data labels and choose Outside End position for the labels. Change the data labels font size to 10.

10 You want to emphasize the Education & Training slice by exploding it.

Explode the Education & Training slice by 12%.

11 Add the Light Gradient – Accent 2 fill color to the chart area. 2
12 You create another chart showing the Balance sheet items. You change the chart to a clustered column and switch the row and column data to focus on each balance sheet item.

Insert a stacked column chart using the ranges A4:D4, A10:D10, A15:D15, and A16:D16 on the Balance sheet.
Change the chart type to Clustered Column and switch the rows and columns in the chart.

13 You want to move the column chart to be on the Summary worksheet along with the bar chart.

Move the column chart to the Summary worksheet. Cut the chart and paste it in cell A1.

14 The column chart needs to have a descriptive title to indicate the data comes from the Balance

Change the title to 3-Year Balance Sheet.

15 The last chart will be a line chart to show the trends in Memberships.

Insert a line chart using the range I3:L15 on the Membership worksheet.

16 You want to move the line chart to be on the same Summary sheet as column and bar charts.

Move the line chart to the Summary worksheet. Cut the chart and paste it in cell A17.

17 Because the lowest value is between 200 and 300, you will change the vertical axis at 200 instead of 0.

Adjust the vertical axis so the Minimum Bound is 200 and display a vertical axis title # of Memberships for the line chart.

18 Apply Chart Style 4 and change colors to Monochromatic Palette 8 for the line chart. 4
19 Move the legend to the top of the chart and add the chart title 3-Year Membership Trends. 4
20 0
21 0
22 0
23 0
24 You want to add sparklines to the Daily Attendance Trends. You add high points to emphasize which time of day is the most popular for your membership.

Select range B16:F16 on the Membership worksheet. Insert Column Sparklines using data from the range B6:F14. Display the high points for the sparklines.

25 Insert a footer with Exploring Series on the left, the sheet name code in the center, and the file name code on the right on the Membership, Expenses, and Summary sheets individually. Change to Normal view. 2
26 Save and close Exp19_Excel_Ch03_Cap_Gym.xlsx. Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed. 0

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Watch the movie and write one paper only. Consider buying a new hat, falling in love with, and build a park.


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It may appear sometimes as if the actual “design” of processes is cumbersome and time consuming. This need not be the case, as there are many tools available in developing any process change management plan.

To address the questions below assume you have been chosen to develop and direct a change management plan involving the secure payment process for an online retailer of your choice.

1. Conduct research using the Internet and identify the type of software or management tools that you would utilize to help with each of the major steps in developing the plan. Summarize the software/suite selected and identify its key capabilities, advantages and disadvantages.

2. As the leader of the change project in this same organization what level of direct involvement should you have in creation of the Change Management Plan? Should you be the primary author or should you delegate most of the responsibilities?

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Hi, this a discussion post I have already started question 1 but haven’t finished it. So you would need to finish question 1 and and complete question 2. A minimum of 600 word count is required, and I have already completed 300. It is very easy to achieve this word count as well, you will notice.

Watch the video and answer the questions provided for the post. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you!

Link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Di0-xN6xc_w

2. Describe which Community Intervention Components (from Ch. 5) were incorporated into the Harlem Children’s Initiative, and thus made it successful.

3. Explain how these program components would affect community members’ (i.e., children’s) stress, coping, social support and resilience (from Ch. 3)

I will provide the textbook

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