DUE WEDNESDY APRIL 6,2016 / Time 5 or 6 AM pacific time Los Angeles my Weight 120 my height 5 feet 5 male 23 years old family background both parents Diabetic persons see files attached class Health 10

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Delegation Provide a summary of the delegation guidelines in your state. Analyze how inappropriate may delegation jeopardize patient safety and quality patient care.  Discuss at least three barriers to delegation nurse managers may encounter. Describe at least three strategies nurse managers can use to reduce legal risks of delegation and strengthen the efficiency of the health care team. Support your discussion and opinions with facts and relevant examples from personal nursing practice. All submissions must have a minimum of two scholarly references to support your work. Examples of work to show mastery: 2-3 page paper – APA format

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While the implementation plan prepares students to apply their research to the problem or issue they have identified for their capstone change proposal project, the literature review enables students to map out and move into the active planning and development stages of the project. A literature review analyzes how current research supports the PICOT, as well as identifies what is known and what is not known in the evidence. Students will use the information from the earlier PICOT Statement Paper and Literature Evaluation Table assignments to develop a 750-1,000 word review that includes the following sections: Title page Introduction section A comparison of research questions A comparison of sample populations A comparison of the limitations of the study A conclusion section, incorporating recommendations for further research Prepare APA style

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Rubenfeld & Scheffer (2015) suggested that interdisciplinary  teamwork and collaboration involves different communication styles and  can result in conflict that can negatively affect patient care  practices. Discuss how you may be able to use conflict in a positive way  to promote interdisciplinary teamwork and collaboration. Bensimon and Neumann, as cited in Rubenfeld & Scheffer (2015), identified the following eight team thinking roles: The definer (voices and creates the team’s reality) The analyst (assesses all of the parts of the issue) The interpreter (provides insight on how team members perceive outcomes) The critic (redefines, reanalyzes and reinterprets) The synthesizer (elicits all thinking perspectives and helps provide linkages for solutions) The disparity monitor (assesses how team members perceive outcomes) The task monitor (removes obstacles to team thinking and facilitates the teamwork) The emotional monitor (address the human, personal, and emotional aspects of team thinking during the thinking process. Choose three (3) of the roles and share an example from your nursing practice of someone fulfilling the roles. Why is this role necessary for the team thinking process to go smoothly? How do other members of the team perceive this person’s role? Please do not include names or personal identifiers in your discussion. Reading and Resources Read Chapters 5 & 8 In Rubenfeld, M. G., & Scheffer, B.K. (2015). Critical thinking TACTICS for nurses: Achieving the IOM competencies (3rd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Bensimon and Neumann identified the following eight team thinking roles: 1. The definer (voices and creates the team’s reality) 2. The analyst (assesses all of the parts of the issue) 3. The interpreter (provides insight on how team members perceive outcomes) 4. The critic (redefines, reanalyzes and reinterprets) 5. The synthesizer (elicits all thinking perspectives and helps provide linkages for solutions) 6. The disparity monitor (assesses how team members perceive outcomes) 7. The task monitor (removes obstacles to team thinking and facilitates the teamwork) 8. The emotional monitor (address the human, personal, and emotional aspects of team thinking during the thinking process. Choose two of the roles and share an example from your nursing practice of someone fulfilling the roles. Why is this role necessary in order for the team thinking process to go smoothly? How do other members of the team perceive this person’s role?

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The purpose of this assessment is to discuss and analyze your leadership development based on the Kouzes and Posner (2017) model. This model includes five (5) Practices of exemplary leadership (modelling the way, inspiring a shared vision, challenging the process, enabling others to act and encouraging the heart). Each Practice is supported by two (2) Commitments. This assessment has two (2) parts which includes creating a visual presentation(Part A) and written assignment (Part B). Part A: Create and present a visual representation of your future leadership development. The visual representation is a creative analysis of your how the five Kouzes and Posner practices relate to your own leadership skills and can be used to plan your own leadership development. The visual representation can be presented in variety of ways and you may choose any presentation format with the exception of PowerPoint (or other similar programs) as these are not acceptable. It is an expectation that all participants bring the Visual Representation to workshop 4. Part B: Briefly describe an example of leadership from your own experience (it is best to provide a personal example). Analyse your example using each of the five (5) exemplary leadership Practices and ten (10) Commitments. Use Kouzes and Posner (2017) and other literature to support your discussion and illustrate an understanding of the role and nature of effective leadership in health. Discuss how the five (5) exemplary leadership Practices and ten (10) Commitments could be used to contribute to the development of your own leadership abilities, including specific strategies. Provide support and consolidation for the ideas presented in the visual presentation (Part A).

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Must follow all the requirements listed in the rubric. Make sure to use APA 6th edition. I have received a lot papers with wrong apa format and poor grammar. Please add “doi”at reference page. Must use scholar papers withing 5years. Total of 10 pages max excluding 1st and references page. Need to post on due date please!!!!!!! If you can’t do it dont make promisses.

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What is your personal worldview? Connect your worldview to cultural and spiritual competence. How will your worldview and cultural and spiritual competence affect your future practice and role as an advanced practice nurse? Consider both the provision of safe, quality care to diverse populations and interprofessional relationships.  300 words

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Read the article chosen and answer one (1) of the topic questions listed below. · What methods can be used to assess nutritional status? · What methods can be used to identify those at risk for malnutrition? · What specific health conditions increase the risk of malnutrition? · What associations exist between nutritional status and health outcomes? · What type of interventions improve adherence to recommendations on nutritional intake? 1. The Summary must include the following headings: a. Introduction and Key Points (10 Points) · Choose one of the assigned topics and identifies one of the questions · Defines the topic and question · States why it is a problem · Information presented in a logical sequence b. Article Search (25 Points) · Current (less than 5 years) and credible resource · Database search – terms and methods used · Number of articles located · Source outside of ATI module used c. Article Findings (25 Points) · How it addresses the topic · Type of research conducted · Findings of the research · Why this article was chosen d. Evidence for Practice (25 Points) · Summary of evidence · How it will improve practice · How this evidence will decrease a gap to practice · Any concerns or weaknesses located in the evidence e. Sharing of Evidence (25 Points) · Who would you share the information with? · How would you share this information? · What resources would you need to accomplish this sharing of evidence? · Why would it be important to share this evidence with the nursing profession? f. Conclusion (20 Points) · Summarizes the theme of the paper · Information presented in logical sequence · All key points addressed · Conclusion shows the depth of understanding of the topic g. APA Style (10 Points) · APA style used properly for citations · APA style used properly for references · APA style used properly for quotations · All references are cited, and all citations have references *NOTE: Must adhere to current APA guidelines and formatting. h. Writing Mechanics (10 Points) · No spelling errors · No grammatical errors, including verb tense and word usage · No writing errors, including sentence structure, and formatting · Must be all original work I have provided the article as well as the instructions which are in more detail.

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While there are several tools to critically appraise practice guidelines, the most comprehensively validated appraisal tool is the AGREE II Instrument. The AGREE II Instrument can be used by individual practitioners to critically appraise health guidelines and by decision makers to inform policy decisions. The purpose of the AGREE II Instrument is to provide a framework to: Assess      the quality of guidelines. Provide      a methodological strategy for the development of guidelines. Inform      what information and how the information ought to be reported in      guidelines. Overall assessment includes rating the overall quality of the guideline and whether the guideline would be recommended for use in practice. Items are rated on a 7-point scale from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 7 (Strongly Agree). A score of 1 is given when there is no information on that item or if it is poorly reported. A score of 7 is given if the quality of reporting is excellent and when full criteria have been met (Score explanations found in the AGREE II-GRS Instrument). A quality score is calculated for each of the six domains, which are independently scored. Domain scores are calculated by summing up all the scores of the items in the domain and by scaling the total as a percentage of the maximum possible score for that specific domain. For this assignment, you will choose a guideline and assess the overall quality and whether the guideline would be recommended for use in practice. General Requirements: Use the following information to ensure successful completion of this assignment: Download      the AGREE II instrument. Doctoral      learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The      APA Style Guide is located in the      Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This      assignment uses a rubric. Please Review the rubric prior to the beginning to become familiar with the      expectations for successful completion. You      are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Directions: Perform the following tasks to complete this assignment: Using      the AGREE II instrument as your guide, create a table that discusses a      practice guideline in which you might have questioned the recommendations.      (Note: You may be able to copy and paste the instrument into a new Word      document and complete the information.) Each      domain must have its own cell (similar to the one shown in the manual) and      add domain scores and an overall guideline assessment. Be sure to include      comments and additional considerations that influenced your rating      decision and cite any sources used. 3. Apply Rubrics

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This is just rewrite to avoid plagiarism A medication error is an error (of commission or omission) at any step along the pathway that begins when a clinician prescribes a medication and ends when the patient actually receives the medication (Agency for Health Care Research and Quality, 2019). In a study conducted by Da Silva and Krishnamurthy (2016), they state that preventable medication errors impact more than 7 million patients and cost almost $21 billion annually across all care settings. About 30% of hospitalized patients have at least one discrepancy on discharge medication reconciliation. Medication errors are an underreported burden that adversely affects patients, providers, and the economy. The study involved a 71-year-old female who accidentally received thiothixene (Navane), an antipsychotic, instead of her anti-hypertensive medication amlodipine (Norvasc) for 3 months. She sustained physical and psychological harm including ambulatory dysfunction, tremors, mood swings, and personality changes and had multiple hospital visits within the 3 months. Despite the many opportunities for intervention, multiple health care providers overlooked her symptoms. Admission medication reconciliation (MED REC) revealed that she was taking metoprolol, doxazosin, alprazolam, citalopram, and thiothixene (Navane) 10 mg twice daily. Upon review of her pill bottles, it was found that her outpatient pharmacy accidentally dispensed Navane (an antipsychotic) instead of Norvasc, and she dutifully took this medication for 3 months. The written prescription was deemed legible. A diagnosis of thiothixene-related drug-induced Parkinsonism was made. Thiothixene was discontinued and her clinical status improved. Da Silva and Krishnamurthy (2018) note that important steps to prevent medication error include clear patient instructions with indications for use on every prescription, utilization of EHR medication import (when available) to review outpatient prescription history, and creating a culture within the medical field of error discussion. Possibilities include medication teams who review admission and discharge reconciliations, team rounding with a pharmacist, encouraging postgraduate trainees and faculty to question indications and utility of medications, and distribution of national and institution data regarding errors, and adverse events. Mandatory training should occur for those providers who fail to document and reconcile medications properly. As a nurse practitioner it is important to monitor the patient especially when poor treatment response occurs or unusual symptoms develop, it is imperative that a review of medications and pill bottle review be part of the initial evaluation. I will implement and use multilevel safeguards, starting with error recognition. Medical error was recently described as the third leading cause of death and only by creating a culture of humility, communication, and teamwork can we learn from our mistakes and hope to decrease preventable errors. References Agency for Health Care Research and Quality. (2019). Medication Errors and Adverse Drug Events. Retrieved from https://psnet.ahrq.gov/primers/primer/23/Medication-Errors-and-Adverse-Drug-Events Da Silva, B., Krishnamurthy, M. 92016). The alarming reality of medication error: a patient case and review of Pennsylvania and National data. Retrieved from https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.3402/jchimp.v6.31758

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