You have to do the written part which I had underlined it We want to understand what drives the selling price of a home. Ultimately, it is our intention to develop a predictive model that will enable our agency to better assist clients in pricing their home. This goal should guide your decisions in this assignment. 1- PIVOT TABLES: Start exploring the Real Estate data set (posted in Shared Files) and create TWO pivot tables. Please demonstrate your ability to group a continuous variable in at least one of the pivot tables. The variables you select and the data summarization (sum, average, count, etc.) is your discretion. Please explain the decisions you made and how this data table helps you understand the Real Estate data set. Your discussion should be on the same page as the pivot table. From at least one of the pivot tables, create a graph that shows the data simply and compellingly. Demonstrate good graph design. Briefly discuss the graphing decisions you made. Your discussion should be on the same page as the graph/pivot table. The 2 pivot tables should be on separate labeled worksheets (tabs) in the Real Estate data file. (The 2 pivot tables I made is similar to the first which is average price and the second is count ) There are 3 pivot tables each of them need discussion report about the decision each in the same sheet also discuss the gragh DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: On an additional worksheet (tab), use the Data Analysis add-in to create a table that presents the descriptive statistics for the following data: price, bedrooms, age, acreage, real estate taxes and assessed value. Demonstrate good table design. The table should be in a separate worksheet (tab) which is labeled. Please write a brief discussion which highlights important elements in this data set and demonstrates your understanding of standard deviation. Your discussion should be on the same page as the descriptive statistics table. CORRELATION: Create a correlation table for the following data: price, bedrooms, age, acreage, real estate taxes and assessed value. Please format the table professionally and save the table on a separate, labeled tab/worksheet. Please discuss 4 of the correlation coefficients ( 2 Highest and 2 lowest). Your discussion should be on the same page as the correlation table.
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