I need three specific questions answered about the career of an Occupational Therapist. What Experience is required or suggested for an OT? What are typical Schedules like for an OT? Will certifications/ licensing help you as an OT? MINIMUM ONE paragraph per question. MINIMUM TWO good sources noted in the sentences and in a reference page at the end in APA format.

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i need answer for these task s Company Name : Oman Cement Company Task 1 (i) General profile of the organization with description on the types of products and services Task 2 (i) Discuss any four factors affecting the demand for the products/services of the organization. (iii) What are your recommendations to the company to remain competitive in the industry.

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post 1 Discuss chemical dependency as either a primary or secondary concern for disaster management. List three potential concerns and identify a possible solution for each. Choose and defend which one is the primary solution Chemical dependency it is a physical and psychological dependency in specific substance and it is one of the most costly of public health problems in the United States. The American Medical Association and World Health Organization recognize substance addiction, including alcoholism, nicotine addiction and drug addiction as a disease. Most disaster research acknowledges that consequences from what happened are psychological disorders and substance use often accompany socioeconomic loss and displacement. The first significant concern of chemical dependency for disaster management is the increasing use of substance after the disaster and there are many factors contributed to that such as education, children, low income, and high disaster exposure. The possible solution for that is social and family support because many people believe that drug and alcohol help them to cope with the situation. Second concern will be communication, communication will be vital to an effective emergency response with chemical dependency. However, because of the what happened in the disaster drug user might be aggressive and they refuse they help. The possible solution is to ensure that we have enough health care professional to serve that affected population. The third concern, the increase using of chemicals such as drug and alcohol might cause severe disease such as a cardiovascular disease which needs specific treatment that may be challenging during the disaster. The solution for that is to raise awareness about health issues related to chemical dependency. Cepeda, A., Valdez, A., Kaplan, C., & Hill, L. E. (2009). Patterns of substance use among hurricane Katrina evacuees in Houston, Texas. Disasters, 34(2), 426-46. Dunlap, E., Johnson, B. D. & Morse, E post 2 yous According to Rose et al. (2018), human beings have different reactions to disaster. Whereas some people generally cope well after such events, others tend to go into depression and eventually, chemical dependency. For most victims, these substances offer the quickest relief from psychological stress. Catastrophic disasters such as Hurricane Katrina, tend to have significant psychological impacts. Therefore, disaster management and response teams need to plan for the social outcomes of such disasters. However, these outcomes are a secondary concern, especially when there are lives in immediate danger Chemical dependency results in long-term physiological effects. These effects include cardiovascular and respiratory problems and, in some instance, cancer. The cost of managing these conditions is quite high, therefore the best solution would be creating an awareness of the health risks of substance abuse. Contrary to what most people believe, mind-altering substances accentuate rather than alleviate psychological conditions. Continuous use of these substances increases the risk of depressions and other mental health conditions, especially in women (Finkelstein, 2011). Disaster management teams should set up counseling and support centers to cater to at-risk individuals. Lastly, individuals who are already addicted to these chemical substances require assistance to withdraw. A possible solution would be to establish more rehabilitation centers. Most people tend to abuse chemical substances after exposure to stressful conditions (Perkinson, 2016). Therefore, the primary concern for disaster response teams is to assist individuals to cope with stress. By setting up counseling centers during and after a disaster, disaster management teams are able to reach out to individuals negatively affected by the disaster and provide the requisite assistance. These centers are a preventative measure and are essential in reducing the costs associated with the long-term …

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Step 1: Conduct a Security Analysis Baseline As you begin Step 1 of your system security report on cybersecurity for mergers and acquisitions, keep in mind that the networks of companies going through an M&A can be subject to cyberattack. As you work through this step and the others, keep these questions in mind: Are companies going through an M&A prone to more attacks or more focused attacks? If so, what is the appropriate course of action? Should the M&A activities be kept confidential? Now, look at the existing security policies in regard to the acquisition of the media streaming company. You have to explain to the executives that before any systems are integrated, their security policies will need to be reviewed. Conduct a policy gap analysis to ensure the target company’s security policies follow relevant industry standards as well as local, state, and national laws and regulations. In other words, you need to make sure the new company will not inherit any statutory or regulatory noncompliance from either of the two original companies. This step would also identify what, if any, laws and regulations the target company is subject to. If those are different from the laws and regulations the acquiring company is subject to, then this document should answer the following questions: How would you identify the differences? How would you learn about the relevant laws and regulations? How would you ensure compliance with those laws and regulations? The streaming company that is being acquired has a current customer base of 150,000 users, who on average pay $14.99 in monthly fees. Based on the overall income, use PCI Standards DSS 12 requirements, and the PCI DSS Quick Reference Guide to identify a secure strategy, and operating system protections to protect the credit card data. Select at least two appropriate requirements from the PCI Standards DSS 12 set of requirements and explain how the controls should be implemented, how they will change the current network, and any costs associated with implementing the change. Step 2: Review Protocols for Streaming Services After reviewing the policies from the company and the policy gap analysis, the M&A leader asks you about the protocols used by the streaming company. He wants to know if the protocols used would affect the current state of cybersecurity within the current company environment. For this section, review the protocols, explain how they work along with any known vulnerabilities, and how to secure the company from cyberattacks. Start with researching the commonly known streaming protocols and the vulnerabilities of those protocols. Some examples are the Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP), Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) and the Real-Time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP). Additionally, the leadership wants to know if any vulnerabilities identified would or could lead to a no-go on the M&A. In other words: You need to identify what streaming the companies are doing and the specific technology they are leveraging. What are the technical vulnerabilities associated with the protocols involved? Have those been mitigated? And to what extent (i.e., has the risk been reduced to zero, reduced somewhat, shifted to a third party, etc.)? What residual risk to the target company’s assets and IP remain? Would those risks extend to the current (takeover) company after the merger? a. Would that be bad enough to cancel the M&A? If the response to #5 is yes, then, what should the target company do to further mitigate the risk? How should the takeover company mitigate the risk? What are the costs associated to the target company (implementing the appropriate mitigation)? If the takeover firm has to take additional measures, identify those costs as well. Step 3: Assess the Merged Network Infrastructure You’ve just reviewed the streaming services of the companies, and now you will assess the infrastructure of the new network. The networks of the two companies could be configured…

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Provide feedback to 2 groups (NOT your own) on their lesson plan (try to comment on plans that have not already received feedback). What are some considerations they could make to improve their lesson plan? What are some strengths of their lesson plan?

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Write a 2 to 3 page essay describing how business decision support systems have evolved over the past several decades as computer and data capabilities have grown. Please discuss the major technological advancements in DSS in each decade since the 1980s, and also discuss the current DSS technologies. its should have references, content,introduction, suggestion: paper need to be in APA format

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Assignment 3: Initial Coding Due Week 6 and worth 60 points In this assignment, you will generate the initial coding for the initial GridView control and image files. Tip: Reference pages 262 to 272 of the Android Boot Camp textbook when completing this assignment. At a minimum, you must complete the following for this assignment: Add a GridView Control. Add the ImageView control and Image files. Create an Array for the images. Compile a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: Provide the screen shots of the GridView control screen along with the developed code. Tip: See Figures 7-3 to 7-6 on pages 265 to 268 of the Android Boot Camp textbook. Provide a screenshot of the ImageView control and Image files along with the developed code. Tip: See Figures 7-7 to 7-9 on pages 269 to 279 of the Android Boot Camp textbook. Provide a screenshot of the Array for the images along with the developed code. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Develop applications capable of running on wireless or handheld devices. Describe and apply the different types of application models used to develop mobile software applications.

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Surveys are one of the most frequently used instruments to collect data and help to answer research questions. However, developing surveys is an
art—it is a lot harder than it looks because each question must have a purpose to help you answer your research question. Remember that any unnecessary
question costs not only time, but money as well, because valuable resources are being utilized to collect, input, clean, and analyze data that has no benefit to the
study. Prompt: Create a survey that contains least five questions that may be employed in your research. The survey must be specific to your public health issue and
research question. Construct at least one question that uses a Likert Scale for the response. Be sure to include: ? Your public health issue ? The research question ? The type of survey (phone, web, person-to-person) ? Who will administer it ? A statement regarding what measures you will take for those who cannot read, are blind, or cannot read or speak the language (used for the survey) Ensure that all close-ended questions have response categories. Guidelines for Submission: Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. You may
create your survey using either an online tool or within a Word document. If you create it within an online tool, such as SurveyMonkey, you must submit a Word
document containing the link to the survey, as well as the description of the survey.

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Instructions Select one of the social problems presented in 6.5 Problems Facing Older Americans. How can we begin to change the negative stigma surrounding “getting old”? Why is our society so obsessed with being young at the expense of marginalizing those that came before us? How do we begin to celebrate the natural aging progression rather than fear it? Task: Think back to all four of your grandparents. If you did not know or meet some of them (or all) describe an elder in your life (briefly). What was/are their twilight years like? How do you envision your later years? How can you avoid the pitfalls of getting old ? Finally, why do we avoid discussions of mortality, rather than embrace it? References Textbook and other sources must be cited in MLA format. Length Minimum 2 full page, 12-point font, Times New Roman, and double spaced with 1 inch margins. textbook: http://open.lib.umn.edu/socialproblems/

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Research a servant leadership organization of your choice or one of the organizations listed on the “Individual and Corporate Servant Leaders” handout in the Topic Materials. Selections do not need to be limited to businesses. Entities such as hospitals or educational institutions are also acceptable. In a 750-1000 word paper, address the following. Provide a summary of how the organization implements the principles of servant leadership in the way it interacts with or provide service to customers, hires and manages employees, and models its operations and policies. Discuss specific commitments the organization makes to stakeholders and how implementing servant leadership affects not only the organization, but also the community and the common good. Knowing that most organizations do not function with the principles of servant leadership as part of their operations, discuss how the concepts and behaviors associated with servant leadership might be a source of conflict or might create operational challenges within the organization. Provide examples to support your ideas and discuss specific ways the organization’s leader has addressed these challenges. What do you see as the greatest benefits for organizations that adopt the principles of servant leadership as their operational model? Provide specific examples to justify your opinions. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

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