DB- Personal Stories of Persuasion
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Persuasion is a method that’s employed all the time, in all kinds of situations in our lives. One of the goals of this course is not only to make you a better writer, but also a more persuasive person in general. Definitely a useful life skill!
To get us started thinking about this, and as a way of introducing ourselves to each other, I’d like to know about a recent time when YOU had your mind changed about something. This doesn’t have to be anything major–an incident when your friend talked you into going to McDonalds instead of Burger King for lunch is perfectly appropriate here, or when a loved one talked you out of wearing that shirt with those pants.
In 1 or 2 paragraphs, describe the situation. What was the point of contention? What did you want to do initially, and what were you talked into doing (or thinking/feeling) instead? Who persuaded you to change your mind, and how? Are you happy with the results?
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