AMISH CASE STUDY Elmer and Mary Miller, both 35 years old, live with their five children in the main house on the family farmstead in one of the largest Amish settlements in Indiana. Aaron and Annie Schlabach, aged 68 and 70, live in the attached grandparents’ cottage. Mary is the youngest of their eight children, and when she married, she and Elmer moved into the grandparents’ cottage with the intention that Elmer would take over the farm when Aaron wanted to retire. Eight years ago, they traded living space. Now, Aaron continues to help with the farm work, despite increasing pain in his hip, which the doctor advises should be replaced. Most of Mary’s and Elmer’s siblings live in the area, though not in the same church district or settlement. Two of Elmer’s brothers and their families recently moved to Tennessee, where farms are less expensive and where they are helping to start a new church district. Mary and Elmer’s fifth child, Melvin, was born 6 weeks prematurely and is 1 month old. Sarah, aged 13, Martin, aged 12, and Wayne, aged 8, attend the Amish elementary school located 1 mile from their home. Lucille, aged 4, is staying with Mary’s sister and her family for a week because baby Melvin has been having respiratory problems and their physician told the family he will need to be hospitalized if he does not get better within 2 days. At the doctor’s office, Mary suggested to one nurse, who often talks with Mary about “Amish ways,” that Menno Martin, an Amish man who “gives treatments,” may be able to help. He uses “warm hands” to treat people and is especially good with babies because he can feel what is wrong. The nurse noticed that Mary carefully placed the baby on a pillow as she prepared to leave. Elmer and Mary do not carry any health insurance and are concerned about paying the doctor and hospital bills associated with this complicated pregnancy. In addition, they have an appointment for Wayne to be seen at Riley Children’s Hospital, 3 hours away at the University Medical Center in Indianapolis, for a recurring cyst located behind his left ear. Plans are being made for a driver to take Mary, Elmer, Wayne, Aaron, Annie, and two of Mary’s sisters to Indianapolis for the appointment. Because it is on the way, they plan to stop in Fort Wayne to see an Amish healer who gives nutritional advice and does “treatments.” Aaron, Annie, and Elmer have been there before, and the other women are considering having treatments, too. Many Amish and non-Amish go there and tell others how much better they feel after the treatments. They know their medical expenses seem minor in comparison to the family who last week lost their barn in a fire and to the young couple whose 10-year-old child had brain surgery after a fall from the hayloft. Elmer gave money to help with the expenses of the child and will go to the barn raising to help rebuild the barn. Mary’s sisters will help to cook for the barn raising, but Mary will not help this time because of the need to care for her newborn. The state health department is concerned about the low immunization rates in the Amish communities. One community-health nurse, who works in the area where Elmer and Mary live, has volunteered to talk with Elmer, who is on the Amish school board. The nurse wants to learn how the health department can work more closely with the Amish and also learn more about what the people know about immunizations. The county health commissioner thinks this is a waste of time and that what they need to do is let the Amish know that they are creating a health hazard by neglecting or refusing to have their children immunized. Study Questions 1. Develop three open-ended questions or statements to guide you in your understanding of Mary and Elmer and what health and caring mean to them and to the Amish culture. 2. List four or five areas of perinatal care that you would want to discuss with Mary. 3. Why do you think Mary placed the baby on a pillow as she was leaving…

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