Concept: Blockchain Security Please use below resources as first option and look for other resources to complete the below questions I need ZERO plagiarism for answers, professor is very strict, and answer should be in context. Need one-page answer for each question. Q1: This week’s reading introduced an overview of blockchain security. Create a new thread and describe how you would go about ensuring the security of data stored on a public blockchain. Assume that your blockchain app is one that manages prescription drugs for individual patients. Considering each of the elements of the CIA triad, describe how you might protect the blockchain data security. Then think of three questions you’d like to ask other students and add these to the end of your thread. The questions should be taken from material you read or videos you watched from this week’s assigned activities. You’re not trying to test each other, but you are trying to start a discussion. Q2: This week’s reading introduced an overview of blockchain security. Think of the sensitive data that your organization collects and handles. Would you be able to provide for the security of that data on a public blockchain? If so, what changes would you have to make to your software to support security on a public blockchain? If your organization doesn’t handle any sensitive data, describe a role that you may pursue in the future, and how that role may interact with sensitive data. Use that scenario to describe whether you would be able to provide for the security of that data on a public blockchain. Please use below resources first and prefer other options as a second priority. “A Secure Model of IoT with Blockchain”: “Blockchain Security:      Let’s Discuss”:

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