Part 1 – Create Classroom Management Plan Review the “Functional Behavior Assessment Example” to inform this assignment. In 250-500 words design a basic classroom management plan including a classroom mission statement.  Your classroom management plan should include two specific modifications appropriate for the student described within the “Functional Behavior Assessment Example.” Modifications should support creating a healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environment for young children. Support your findings with 1-2 scholarly resources. Part 2 – Behavior Intervention Plan Review the student information presented in the “Functional Behavior Assessment Example” to create a Behavior Intervention Plan for that student. Use the “Behavior Intervention Plan Template” and take into account the student’s readiness for learning and the multiple influences that may affect her development. In addition, create two measurable IEP goals specific to the student’s needs, listing each under the “Goals” section of the Behavior Intervention Plan. Compose a 250-500 word summary that outlines how you will communicate the Behavior Intervention Plan you developed to general educators and other applicable colleagues. Summarize how this communication will help in creating a safe learning environment and promote meaningful learning activities and social interactions for thestudent. Support your findings with 1-2 scholarly resources. Part 3 – Classroom Management Mini-Action Plan In 250-500 words describe a mini-action plan including two interventions you are going to try with the student presented in the “Functional Behavior Assessment Example.”  The interventions should include: Developmentally appropriate instructional interventions that address the young child with exceptionalities and how to adapt to different environments. Strengths, interests, and needs that enable the student to advance and accelerate their learning. Communication to family on how to support the student at home. Summarize how this preparation and communication will help in creating a safe learning environment and promote meaningful learning activities and social interactions for the student. Submit the Classroom Management Plan, the Behavior Intervention Plan, and Classroom Management Min-Action Plan as one submission. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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