The Unit 6 will focus on the individualized behavior intervention plan (BIP) with a focus on designing interventions based upon data collected using the Functional Behavior Assessment, or the Functional Behavior Analysis. You will discover the eight components necessary for the design of effective BIPs. And, the process of determining the “effectiveness” of your BIPs will be examined. Finally, you will explore the barriers to the implementation of BIPs in the classroom and ways to incorporate proactive, active, and reactive strategies of a universal design into classroom management. Make every effort to complete the reading beforehand so you are able to discuss the following:

  • Identify the eight components of a behavior intervention plan.
  • Explain how culture influences the design of behavior intervention plans (BIP).
  • Describe verbal and non-verbal strategies that can be applied in the classroom.
  • Describe several function-based behavior interventions that can be applied in the classroom.
  • Identify barriers to the development and implementation of BIPs in the classroom.


Read the following chapters in your text:

Chapter 6: “Basic Classroom Management Strategies”

Chapter 6 presents basic classroom strategies that can be used to control interfering classroom behaviors. The importance of establishing rules and using engaging and relevant instruction are highlighted as integral components of classroom management. Verbal and non-verbal strategies are explored, as well as more specific behavioral approaches, such as contingency contracting and token economies. Culture is again examined in terms of its impact on behavior management strategies.

Chapter 10: “Behavior Intervention Plan”

Chapter 10 examines the purpose of the behavior intervention plan (BIP). The importance of basing your BIPs on the results of the Functional Behavior Assessment or the Functional Behavior Analysis is stressed as key to designing effective, function-based, individualized behavior plans. Determining the effectiveness of your BIPs must be done through ongoing data collection and examination of the data. Finally, possible barriers to the implementation of BIPs in the classroom are presented.

400 words min. NO PLAGIARISM. References and citations required.

Textbook reference: Shepherd, L., T. and Linn, D. (2015). Behavior and Classroom Management in the Multicultural Classroom. Sage publications.

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