Communication, which is a two way process of sending and receiving messages is a fundamental skill required for nursing. Most of the time, nurses send messages with the words they use, but there is another way nurses can convey messages and that is through body language and facial expressions. This is called meta-communication. If the non-verbal message doesn’t match the verbal, the message will be confusing. What if your patient said this “I’m fine”, but looked sad? Similarly, what if the nurse appears preoccupied or busy when assessing a client? Is the client likely to think the nurse is interested or caring? Nurse’s may appear uncaring if they change the subject, appear defense, moralize or appear judgmental, are inattentive, and even if they use too much medical jargon (Potter et al, 2017). Remember when communicating with clients that both communication and caring are considered integrated processes and center to all nursing care and as your lesson states can even considered therapeutic if used purposefully (Chamberlain, 2019). According to Chamberlain Care, person centered communication is not limited to just the client, but also includes family and other healthcare colleagues. Differentiating between therapeutic and non-therapeutic communication responses is one of the most important skills a nurse can develop. QUESTION:  Chamberlain (College of Nursing) Care emphasizes person-centered communication. Provide an example of using person-centered care in communicating to another who disagrees with you. ****BOOK PDF BELOW****

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