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Discussion: Why Does This Matter?

Sustaining whole system change as a leader in special education will require establishing a collaborative culture in which additional leaders are developed across various levels of the organization. Fullan and Quinn (2016) suggest that, as leaders master the four components of the Coherence Framework, not only do the leaders become more effective, but the system […]

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A company’s balance sheet shows the value of assets, liabilities, and stockholders’ equity atthe end of the fiscal year. for any given period of time at a specific point in time. over an annual period. -On a balance sheet, retained earnings are not “unspent cash” because theyhave been paid out to common stockholders. they have […]

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Liberty University BUSI 604 International Business Test 1

Liberty University BUSI 604 International Business Test 1 •             Question 1 0 out of 2 points (______) and (______) consistently rank as two of the leading suppliers to the United States, making up over 25 percent of total trade to the U.S. Selected Answer: •             Question 2 2 out of 2 points (_____) have been constructed […]

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OUTCOMES/JOB DESCRIPTION PAPER The first paper requires you to introduce yourself and your organization as well as list the course objectives for the courses you are currently taking, excluding the externship course. You must include the official on-file

1. About Me – Tell us who you are: Where you come from: where you live now; and what your hobbies and interests are. 2. Course Outcomes – Find and list the official course outcomes for each of your other (non-externship) courses. This list should be broken down by course with the proper course prefix, […]

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Compare & Contrast

Compare and contrast an online class and face-to-face class. Do you believe there are different skills and considerations involved? How do the roles of the teachers and students differ? You are free to choose the method of completion for this assignment: a report, a graphic organizer, Venn Diagram, PowerPoint presentation, or you can create a rubric […]

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5-2 Final Project Milestone Three: Wellness, You, and Society

Instructions For this third milestone, you will reflect on content that will inform your multimedia presentation, which you will include in Final Project Part Two. You will reflect on the interconnected nature of wellness and its impact on one’s individual framework of perception, one’s discipline of study, and society in general. The milestone will be […]

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Part 1: Interview Contact an administrator or instructional coach and a practicing teacher for secondary grades 6-12 and arrange separate  interviews. Speak with your instructor if there is the need to  interview alternate professionals, if necessary. Use the following points of discussion to guide your interview: Discuss characteristics of adolescence. What    characteristics seem to change the […]

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Research Abstracts and Powerpoint

There are five topics, research the topics to find a peer reviewed article, create an abstract for each article used. These articles should be centered toward infants and toddlers. Also create a powerpoint for the abstracts created. Five topics, one article and abstract for each topic. 1. Cognitive development 2. Physical development (motor development) 3. […]

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NAEYC’s DAP Position Regarding Diversity

What is the position of National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) regarding diversity and culture and developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs? In this assignment you will create a visual document which clearly explains main points of the NAEYC position statement on linguistic and cultural diversity to families who might enroll in […]

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Week 7 Research Proposal (Term Project)

Each student will be required to complete the term project, which is a research proposal written in an APA Style. The project should have at least 1000-words of substance not counting the cover and reference page. Please include a Cover Page, an abstract and a list of references. The research proposal you write in this […]

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