1. Assume that the following variables contain the values shown: numberBig = 300 numberMedium = 100 numberSmall = 5 wordBig = “Elephant” wordMedium = “Horse” wordSmall = “Bug” For each of the following Boolean expressions, decide whether the statement is true, false, or illegal. a. numberBig = numberSmall? b. numberBig > numberSmall? c. numberMedium < numberSmall? d. numberBig = wordBig? e. numberBig = "Big"? f. wordMedium = "Medium"? g. wordBig = "Elephant"? h. numberMedium = 200? j. numberBig >= numberMedium + numberSmall? k. numberBig > numberMedium AND numberBig numberSmall? m. numberBig 10? n. numberBig = 30 AND numberMedium = 100 OR numberSmall = 100? 2. Mark Daniels is a carpenter who creates personalized house signs. He wants an application to compute the price of any sign a customer orders, based on the following factors: l The minimum charge for all signs is $30. l If the sign is made of oak, add $15. No charge is added for pine. l The first six letters or numbers are included in the minimum charge; there is a $3 charge for each additional character. l Black or white characters are included in the minimum charge; there is an additional $12 charge for gold-leaf lettering. ***Design a flowchart or pseudocode for the following: a. A program that accepts data for an order number, customer name, wood type, number of characters, and color of characters. Display all the entered data and the final price for the sign. b. A program that continuously accepts sign order data and displays all the relevant information for oak signs with five white letters. c. A program that continuously accepts sign order data and displays all the relevant information for pine signs with gold-leaf lettering and more than 10 characters.

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