Assignment : Seasonal Production
Intro to Ocean Sci.: Ch. 12 (Links to an external site.) (pp 293-297)
Download Figures 1-4 (Links to an external site.) to answer questions 1-5.
- According to Figure 2 (page 2), identify which latitudes have the highest and lowest chlorophyll levels. Explain how these levels correspond to SST values (sea surface temperature, Fig. 1; page 1).
- In Figure 2, compare chlorophyll levels at coastal areas to open ocean chlorophyll levels in the North Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean.
- Explain why chorophyll levels (primary production) at low latitudes likely do not change throughout the year (seasons). Identify any limiting factors for primary production.
- Describe how chlorophyll levels (primary production) changes at high latitudes throughout the year (seasons). Identify any limiting factors for primary production.
- According to Figure 3 and 4 (pages 3-4), which season(s) is chlorophyll levels (primary production) highest at mid-latitudes? Explain which physical conditions are present during that season that help create high chlorophyll levels.
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