Background: We have moved from simple graphs to advanced graphs  to visualize our datasets. In our last data assignment, I told you where  to place your data fields. In this assignment, you will place the data  field based on keywords in a sentence. Assignment: Use RStudio to generate advanced graphs (using the ggplot2 package) using the dataset below. Graphs to Produce: ***** Do not forget to tell RStudio what fields are factors! ***** ggplot2 – Bar Plot: (Use dataset_price_personal_computers.csv) Plot the ram sold in the computers. Breakout how the computer screen sizes based on the ram. Position the computer screen sizes side by side. Drilldown the dataset further based on premium. Label the x-axis. Label the y-axis. Give the graph a title. What story is presented in this visualization? ggplot2 – Histogram: (Use dataset_production_of_rice_in_indonesia.csv) Plot the distribution of the wages of the rice production. (Use a binwidth = 5) Breakout the land status of ownership. Drilldown the dataset further based on the varieties of rice produced. Label the x-axis. Label the y-axis. Give the graph a title. What story is presented in this visualization? ggplot2 – Box Plot: (Use dataset_tipping_data.csv) Plot the Day vs Tip of the meals. Breakout the time of day. Drilldown the dataset further based on gender. Label the x-axis. Label the y-axis. Give the graph a title. What story is presented in this visualization? ggplot2 – Scatter Plot: (Use dataset_edgar_anderson_iris_data.csv) Plot the petal length vs petal width of the flowers. Breakout the species of the flowers. Drilldown the dataset further based on the species. Label the x-axis. Label the y-axis. Give the graph a title. What story is presented in this visualization? Please put all screen shots in a MS Word (other word processors are fine to use but save it in MS Word format). Don’t upload the screen shots individually in the assignment folder! Submit your assignment on or before the due date.

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