Using your current work organization (or an organization of interest) and a second organization in the same industry as the subject matter expert, research the elements of business, compare and contrast the two selected organizations, and prepare an APA formatted paper that:

  • Analyzes the basic legal, social, and economic environment in which the organizations operate
  • Analyzes the managerial, operational, and financial issues impacting the organizations including:
    • Company Culture and Performance
    • Promotion Policies
    • Strategic Decisions Making
    • Decision-Making Style
    • Management Style
    • Leadership Style
    • Communication Style
    • Use of SWOT Tool
    • Operations Strategy Framework
  • Assesses how the overall management teams perform in terms of the four functions of management.
  • Identifies and explains the strong points of the managers.
  • Identifies and explains areas in which improvements are needed.

Be sure to use a minimum of 5 external sources to support your analysis.

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