

To help you become familiar with research and research methodology in the social sciences. To begin reading and understanding peer-reviewed research articles within the field of Sport & Fitness Management.


FILLER TEXTto the Troy University Libraries Homepage and locate a research article from a scholarly journal from the list below (it must be from one of the journals listed below!):

Journal of Sport Management

Journal of Sport Behavior

Journal of Sport Psychology

Sport Management Review

Sport Marketing Quarterly

European Sport Management Quarterly

International Journal of Sport Management

International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship

International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing

  • International Sports Journal

Journal of Hospitality and Leisure Marketing

  • Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate AthleticsFILLER TEXT

Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport 

  • Journal of Sports Economics

Journal of Sport Tourism

  • Marquette Sport Law Journal

Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal

  • Your article cannot be a Book Review or conceptual article. It must include an actual research study (in which data were collected and analyzed). It can be either qualitative or quantitative in nature.

Steps For Locating an Article:

(You may need to log into the Libraries using your Troy e-mail username and password)

  • You can now search for an article two different ways:

Search via keyword search in the box (e.g., athlete burnout, sport marketing, fan identification, etc.). Click on the articles listed (look for the PDFs).

  • Browse through the journal issues and read the titles of the articles for an article of interest.

Print off your chosen article (PDF is the best format).

  • 2)Click on Full Text Journal Title Search.

3)Next to the box “Title begins with,” type the first few words in the journal you would like to search.

  • 4)Find your journal from the list provided and click on the blue link next to it, which will take you to the database in which it is located (e.g., SPORTDiscus, Academic Search Complete, SAGE Premier, etc.).

Carefully read through the article one time. Then, go back through the article and write a report based upon the following:

  • Begin with a proper citation of the research article in correct APA 6th edition format.

APA resources:



  • Identify the study as qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods in approach.

Identify the theoretical rationale on which the research is based. 

  • Why, according to the author(s), is the study necessary and important? 

What specific theory(ies) or literature is used to support the rationale?

  • State the primary question(s) posed by the researcher(s). 

If specific hypotheses or research questions are given, state them.

  • Identify the variables that the authors measured to complete the study. 

How were the variables measured (i.e., what instruments and/or procedures were used)? 

Identify the group (sample or population) that participated in the study. 

Briefly report the results of the study, including major research findings.

Provide your opinion on the relative strengths and weaknesses of the article.



Your article needs to be typed: 12-pt Times New Roman font and double-spaced. Your name, course number and date should appear at the top, right-hand corner of the page. 

The next line should include the title of the assignment: Article Review #1.

  • The APA citation should appear next, just as it would appear on a References list (should include a hanging indent if longer than one line). Make sure you are properly citing the article. Use the tutorials above. If this is not correct, I will not even grade the rest of the assignment. 

The next sections of the review should come in the order above, separated by sections. Use bullets, number, and bolding to clearly mark the sections. 

Make sure you are making use of the content you have been reading in the book.

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