This critical review should be a minimum of 300 words, typed double-spaced 12-point font.The assignment will be submitted via eCampus as instructed.

  1. Description of art object (100 words) up to 30% of points earned for assignment________

Write the name of the art work being discussed, the artist’s name, the date, time, name of museum, size, description of the piece or composition, and the location. In the description, create a visual image with words.

  1. Analysis of the art object (100 words) up to 40% of points earned for assignment________

Based on the description provided in the introduction, analyze the artist’s intent or message within the work of art.Provide notated research (inquiry) to further interpret the background of the artist and the era in which it was created.The innovation and expression of ideas of the artist should be better understood through this research.Discuss the Visual Elements and Principles of Design.Which Visual Elements and Principles of Design are present in this work of art and give examples. (The visual elements and principles of design are listed and defined at the bottom of the worksheet.)

  1. Interpretation of the art object (100 words)up to 30% of points earned for assignment ________

Discuss the content of the piece.Why was it created? Does it have a narrative or discuss social issues?What emotional feeling is present?Summarize your reaction to this art object.

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