Answer the following questions using vocabulary and ideas from Lectures 6 & 7 and your textbook. The page number corresponds to the page in your textbook on which this work can be found. 


1.  By studying the images and text presented in Lecture 6 and in your book, why do you think early nomadic cultures made the kind of artwork they did? Select two works, describe them, and draw some conclusions about their possible significance to these cultures. For example, you might begin with the cave paintings as Lascaux and Chauvet. What kind of function might they have served for the people that made them? Note: make sure your selected works are made by early nomadic cultures, not later civilizations.

2.  Page 256. Identify the major characteristics (at least 3) in Egyptian Art as seen in “Menkaure and Khamerenebty”, 2460 BCE. Why did Egyptian artists make the sculptures look as they did? Be specific in your description of the object.

3. Page 259. Identify the major characteristics in Greek (at least 3) art as seen in “Apoxyomenos”, 320 BCE. Why did Greek artists make the sculptures look as they did? Be specific in your description of the object.

4. Page 439. “Buddha Preaching the First Sermon” 465-485 CE. Which characteristics of early Buddhist art in India can you identify in these sculpture? Provide at least 3 and support your conclusions with specific examples.

5. Page 463. “Riverside Bamboo Market. Kyobashi” by Hiroshige. What style of Japanese printmaking is this an example of? Using the ideas discussed in Lecture 7 on Asian art, comment on what visual elements and principles of design Hiroshige used to depict this scene (at least 3). Describe it.

Please make sure each answer is thoughtful, edited for grammar and spelling errors, and at least 4-5 COMPLETE sentences.

Be as specific as possible and use examples to support EVERY statement. For example, when saying a shape is “somewhat organic,” describe exactly where you see this. 

Treat each answer as a paragraph and not a short sentence.

Imagine that you are describing the artwork to someone who has never seen it. The more detail you explain – the better you will develop your observational skills and your formal critique skills. 

Use your art terminology (from the textbook and lectures) and fully describe how you see each term being used in the artwork. Don’t just list art terms without explaining how they are being used in the work. 

Proof read your work for spelling and grammatical errors. 

No bullet points as answers – Absolutely no bullet points – Please no bullet points – 

Cautionary note:FILLER TEXT Please make sure and use your own words in your answer. Don’t lift or slightly reword entire passages from your textbook or an online source. This is considered plagiarism, for which you’ll receive no credit and may be withdrawn from the course. Use your textbook to provide factual support for your own description of these works.  

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