Discuss the visual depiction of rulers in Ancient Mesopotamian art. You must cite and describe at least two objects/images from the study guide (Standard of Ur, Stele of Naram Sin, or the Code of Hammurabi). How and Why did artists choose to depict the ruler/leader in such ways? Specifically: the shape of the body, positions of the body, actions/movements, context of moment (what is the subject matter?).

Other things to consider:

Do they look different than other figures? What makes them stand out? Do they show power? If so, how? Even though the three examples are from three different cultures (please state which cultures/dates), how are they similar? Are the rulers depicted differently than gods?

Please include an introduction and conclusion. The essay should (at least) be 2-3 healthy paragraphs. Remember to proofread – check for grammatical errors and correct spelling. Titles of works of art (like books, movies, etc.) should always be italicized and capitalized.

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