For this assignment, you will display and modify information from a Microsoft Access database by using SQL commands.
Using the Microsoft Access database Books, write SQL statements for the following tasks.
- Write an SQL statement to display the publication ID, publication date, cost, and category of each book planned for publication ID number 4.
- Repeat the previous task but include ID and Date as column aliases for the first two columns.
- Write an SQL statement to display the least expensive retail price book in each book category.
- Repeat the previous task but sort the displayed categories in the descending order.
- Write an SQL statement to display the customer number, city of destination, and shipping date for all shipments with order number above 2. (Hint: Use the Orders table.)
- Repeat the previous task but further restrict the output to shipping dates after January 1, 2013. (Hint: The date restriction will require a format identical to the one displayed in the previous task, and it must be surrounded by pound signs—#01/01/2013# for example.)
- Write an SQL statement to display the publication ID, average retail price, and average cost of all books. Group the output by publication ID.
- Write INSERT statements to add the following data to the Publisher table:
PubID | Name | Contact | Phone |
6 | READ WITH US | John Doe | 866-888-9999 |
7 | KNOWLEDGE FOR ALL | Jane Doe | 800-1212-5555 |
8 | CHEAP PUBLISHING | Tom Smith | 000-321-4071 |
9 | TEXT AND MORE | John Carter | 032-100-7777 |
10 | BOOK BUSTER | George Stevens | 777-555-1212 |
- Write a single SELECT statement that will verify the records inserted.
- Write a DELETE statement to remove only the new BOOK BUSTER record.
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