The Unit 4 will explore applied approaches to creating an effective learning environment. The physical set-up of the classroom will be discussed in terms of antecedent approaches to preventing interfering and unwanted behaviors. The effects of rules, routines, and schedules on student success will be examined. Applied behavior analysis and its theory and application will be introduced. Make every effort to complete the reading beforehand so you are able to discuss the following:

  1. Discuss factors that should be considered regarding the physical set-up of the classroom.
  2. Explain how classroom rules and routines contribute to effective learning environments.
  3. Discuss the three characteristics of behavior.
  4. Describe the four attributes of behavior.

400 words min. NO PLAGIARISM. References and citations required.

Textbook reference: Shepherd, L., T. and Linn, D. (2015). Behavior and Classroom Management in the Multicultural Classroom. Sage publications

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