Hi J, I hope you had a nice weekend! The database administrator has told me that he will have time next week to start building the database. In that case, I need for you to focus on the ERD and the database design this week. When you start the ERD, be sure to focus on the entities previously employed when creating the DFD and Use Case Diagram. Think about all the major activities between each of these entities and determine the type of relationship between the entities. Remember, the best table relationships are 1:1 or 1:M. Use the M:N relationships sparingly. Once you have created the ERD, you will be designing the tables for the database in 3NF. If you have any questions, please let me know. Carlie _____ Hi J, I wanted to further clarify the database requirement. As I previously stated, the database administrator needs the new database in 3NF. Each table should list all the necessary fields. You should have done some of this work when you created the user interface screens a few weeks ago. Highlight which field(s) is/are the primary key. We need to get the field and table structures very soon. Let me know if you have any further questions. Carlie ___ Hi J, Once you have the database created, be sure to put in at least 3 records of “dummy” data in each of the tables. This way, we can better see the size and data types for each of the fields. You should use some of the data in the data library as a guide for your sample data. Thanks! Have a great weekend. Carlie

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