Hello 🙂 could you answer the question below based on the following essay please.
Here is the essays : 1-https://www.counterpunch.org/2013/05/08/social-net…2- https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/otm/articles/… 3-https://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/201… 4- https://commons.pacificu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?a… 5-http://www.uatrav.com/sports/article_f39d73d6-dc41…
- Alfredo Lopez, “Social Networking and the Death of the Internet,” pp. 478-481
- Amy Webb, “We Post Nothing about Our Daughter Online,” pp. 482-483
- Elise Hu, “Facebook Makes Us Sadder and Less Satisfied, Study Finds,” pp. 484-485
- Isaac Gilman, “Online Lives, Offline Consequences: Professionalism, Information Ethics, and Professional Students,” pp. 485-490
- John G. Browning, “Watch That Tweet! Monitoring of Student Athletes’ Social Media,” pp. 490-492
- The questions are: 1-
1- What is one of the specific concerns about social networks that Alfredo Lopez discusses in “Social Networking and the Death of the Internet”?
- 2-
What is one of the reasons for not posting pictures of her daughter (or anything else about her) that Amy Webb gives in “We Post Nothing about Our Daughter Online”?
- 3-
What is one of the possible reasons for why or how Facebook makes people sadder, according to “Facebook Makes Us Sadder and Less Satisfied, Study Finds” by Elise Hu?
- 4-
What is one of the concerns about posting images online that Isaac Gilman discusses in “Online Lives, Offline Consequences: Professionalism, Information Ethics, and Professional Students”?
- 5-
What is one of the specific concerns about the monitoring of social media that John G. Browning discusses in “Watch That Tweet! Monitoring of Student Athletes’ Social Media”?
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