Chapter 5

1 – List and discuss what adaptations may have to be made to exercise programs when exercising (aerobic) in a higher altitude (for example, should you consider decreasing time, should you wear specific clothing, etc.)?

2 – List and discuss what adaptations may have to be made to exercise programs when exercising (aerobic) outside in a extreme heat and humidity (for example, should you consider decreasing time, should you wear specific clothing, etc.)?

2a) – Is there a specific temperature and/or humidity that you should not exercise outdoors?

If so give the temperature and or humidity levels

2b) – What should the temperature and humidity levels be inside of a workout facility?

3 – List and discuss what adaptations may have to be made to exercise programs when exercising (aerobic) outside in a extreme cold weather (for example, should you consider decreasing time, should you wear specific clothing, etc.)?

Part 1

Select one of the Special Populations listed on the document link below and respond to the following questions:

/content/enforced/9719-WFS-2000-136434_2016FA/Special Population List.pdf

No two students are allowed to select the same special population, so be sure to post early to get your first choice. It is your responsiblity to view each of the current discussion posts to determine which choices have already been selected by a fellow classmate.

1 – List the special population that you selected and briefly explain the condition, disorder, disease OR why this would be considered a special population (e.g. why this particular group is considered special population, what causes the disease or disorder, how are people diagnosed with the disease or disorder, other names for the disease or disorder, etc.).

2 – How does exercise typically affect individuals who fall under the above category? Are there any major concerns to watch for when exercising?

3 – Exercise Guidelines for the above category/disorder/disease:

a. Frequency (how many days/week for cardiovascular?; how many days/week for strength training?)

b. Intensity (low, moderate, high)

c. Time (how many minutes/session; how many reps & sets/exercise)

d. Types of exercise(s) recommended

4 – Is exercise known to reduce and/or reverse the symptoms of the disorder/disease that you selected?

Part 2

Select one of the Ergogenic Aids listed on the document link below and respond to the following questions:

/content/enforced/9719-WFS-2000-136434_2016FA/Ergogenic Aids List.pdf

No two students are allowed to select the same ergogenic aid, so be sure to post early to get your first choice. It is your responsiblity to view each of the current discussion posts to determine which choices have already been selected by a fellow classmate.

1 – List the ergogenic aid that you selected and briefly explain why individuals use the ergogenic aide that you selected (in other words, what are the individuals getting out of this aid)?

2 – What are some of the benefits of your selected ergogenic aide?

3 – What are some of the drawbacks/side effects, if any, of your selected ergogenic aide?

4 – When exercising, what responses (negative and/or positive) might this ergogenic aid trigger?

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