
“Hippocratic Oath.”(classic and modern versions)

Von Staden, Heinrich. 2012. “The Discourses of Practitioners in Ancient Europe.” In The Cambridge World History of Medical Ethics, edited by Robert Baker and Laurence McCullough, 352-358. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Nutton, Vivian. 2012. “The Discourses of European Practitioners in the Tradition of the Hippocratic Texts.” In The Cambridge World History of Medical Ethics, edited by Robert Baker and Laurence McCullough, 359-362. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Nie, Jing-Bao. 2012. “The Discourses of Practitioners in China.” In The Cambridge World History of Medical Ethics, edited by Robert Baker and Laurence McCullough, 335-344. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kaba, P. and P. Sooriakumaran. 2007. “The Evolution of the Doctor-Patient Relationship.” Internal Journal of Surgery 5: 57-65.

  • 1. According to Von Staden and Nutton, how does the authors explain that the principles in Hippocratic Oath have changed over time? What facilitated the changes? Give examples.
  • 2. Using Von Staden’s and Nie’s articles as references, point out FIVE similarities and differences of medical ethics between Hippocratic Oath and Chinese medical ethics?
  • 3. According to Nie, have the medical ethics also undertaken changes over time? If yes, what have changed and why?
  • 4. In the article of “The Evolution of the Doctor-Patient Relationship,” what is problematic about the three basic models of the doctor-patient relationship proposed by Szasz and Hollender, and how do the authors of this article revise it?
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