The assignment is to conduct research based on the information below, using R. After analyzing the data in R, document the research and findings in a research paper in APA 7 format. Ask questions, if needed. Topic: Stack Overflow hosts an annual survey for developers. The study for 2019 includes almost 90,000 respondents (Stack Overflow, n.d.a). Problem: Surveys usually contain instructions for participants that direct them to answer to the best of their ability. Inherently, this expectation of honest answers equates to consistent responses. Inconsistency can arise in a variety of ways, how one person interprets the question, versus the next, is one example. Another example is when the answers are multiple-choice, and more than one or none of the choices are appropriate to that respondent. In the study by Stack Overflow (n.d.b), respondents answered questions about employment and employment-related questions inconsistently. Modeling the survey results can present new insight into these inconsistencies. Question: Using a neural network and a random forest model and the Stack Overflow (n.d.b) data, will the survey responses to employment, developer status, and coding as a hobbyist, along with the answers to an open-source sharing question provide sufficient information to predict how the participant responded to the question about their student status? Data: • The data and data dictionaries are online. o Note: The raw data in your program must be in the original form. Do not modify the data outside of the programming. Use the data dictionary to understand the data. o You can read Stack Overflow’s (n.d.a) report on the survey. ? Stack Overflow. (n.d.a). Developer survey results: 2019. Retrieved May 24, 2020, from o The data and data dictionary are downloaded together. When you visit this site, ensure you select the 2019 survey: ? Stack Overflow. (n.d.b). Stack overflow annual developer survey [dataset and code book]. Retrieved May 24, 2020, from Requirements for this data analysis project: • Develop at least one additional well-developed research question. • When conducting data analysis, limit your research to the country of Netherlands. • Develop two classification algorithms, a neural network, and a random forest classifier. Attempt to create a classification model with an accuracy that exceeds 0.8 and the no-information-rate, when predicting the testing dataset. Tune the model(s), if they do not meet the sensitivity threshold. Compare the two models’ accuracy. • Do not forget to address the problem. ** • Explore the insights you can gain from this model and provide your interpretations when documenting your research. 5/20/20 Assignment 2 Netherlands.docx P a g e | 2 Required files to submit: 1) Research paper in APA 7 format; MS Word document file type 2) R Script; final version Bonus challenge: Beyond the metric accuracy, explore the influence of the high no-information-rate in this analysis. The idea is for you to discover how the accuracy can be misleading, or when a higher accuracy score as a whole, may cover up the accuracy of individual labels in unevenly distributed labels. This challenge is specific to this data. Do not provide generic descriptions of the metrics; I am not interested in generic. Tips: • MainBranch is the variable name for developer status. • There is a difference between OpenSourcer and OpenSource; make sure you understand which variable applies. • There will be four predictor variables and one outcome variable with three classes. • Make sure that you look at the frequency of potential responses. For example, if you look at this summary of Employment, the answer Retired only has six observations associated with it. What would occur if all six were in the test set? Using the frequency threshold of 20, omit responses from the models’ data, if necessary. o The research paper will be written in a profess…

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