Draft of Analysis

Analysis of Visual Rhetoric

Step 3: Draft Workshop 1

Use this forum to POST your draft by


1. Open a new thread.

2. Make the subject the title of your essay.

3. Copy and paste your essay into the text box. If the formatting becomes weird after pasting, select all and then hit the “remove formatting button” (it looks like an eraser, right next to the highlighter).

4. Post.


5. Select TWO essays that have less than 2 responses to them.

6. Reply to the thread with “Quote Reply.” This will paste the text of the essay into a new post.

7.Read through the essay. Highlight any errors. Use bold to make comments in the text.

8. Answer the following questions at the bottom of the essay:toric is Due

Essay #1- The Image Analysis

In the first essay for the course, you will be undertaking an image analysis. For this project, you will select an image to analyze rhetorically for its purpose, audience, and context, and you will make an argument about the success of the image.

Begin by reading the OWL website overview about Image Analysis.

Then, select your image.

The image you select is important. A poor image will be difficult to analyze and write about successfully. Your goal is to find an image that is clearly doing some sort of work rather than simple decoration. The image should be making an argument or supporting a certain point or point of view. See Chapter 1 in The College Writer for examples.

Images you can use:

  • Print Advertisements
  • Social Media posts by celebrities or brands
  • Political cartoons
  • Well-crafted images included in news features
  • Protest signs
  • Essay #1- Image Analysis
    3 Pages
    10% of Final Grade
    Directions: Write a rhetorical analysis of an image. You will argue for the success of the image based on an analysis of its purpose, audience, and context.
    For this assignment, you will select a compelling visual image and explain how its composition, design, and appearance successfully (or unsuccessfully) meets its audience’s needs. You will need to decide what the purpose of the image is and acknowledge the context of the image as well. The strongest essays will make clear arguments and support them with detailed and descriptive evidence, as well as analysis about that evidence.
    Select an Image
    The image you select is extremely important. A poor image will be difficult to analyze and write about successfully. Your goal is to find an image that is clearly doing some sort of work rather than simple decoration. The image should be making an argument or supporting a certain point or point of view. See Chapter 1 in The College Writer for examples.
    Images you can use:

    • Print Advertisements
    • Social Media posts by celebrities or brands
    • Political cartoons
    • Well-crafted images included in news features
    • Protest signs

    Analyze the Image Rhetorically
    You will need to figure out the purpose, intended audience, and context of the image. Then, use the prewriting worksheets provided to analyze the individual components of the image.
    Plan and Write the Essay
    You will need to include a copy of the image within the essay itself. Your essay should have a clear, argumentative thesis statement, logical organization, specific and descriptive examples, analysis of the examples.
    Be sure that you organize your essay into an Introduction, Body Paragraphs, and Conclusion.
    Revise and Proofread Carefully
    All students are required to participate in the Draft Workshop and provide comments on TWO essays. Failure to provide evidence of a draft may result in a lower grade on your final essay

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