Everyone is entitled to an opinion on the subject of scary movies. In this lesson, you had the opportunity to voice your opinion. Think back to how you explained your opinion. How did it sound? The way writing sounds is known as the tone. A tone can be serious or academic or sympathetic or sarcastic. The list of adjectives to describe an author’s tone is endless.

For your assessment, you will read the opinions of movie critics and record your observations on the content, style, and tone of their critiques.

(Please note that you do not need to watch a film for this assignment; you only need to collect two reviews on a film.)

  1. Choose one of the following films:
    • The Bride of Frankenstein
    • Tales from the Crypt (1972 film)
    • Jaws
    • Psycho (1960)
    • Rear Window
    • The Sixth Sense
    • Secret Window

    If you have an alternate film on which you would like to collect reviews, please consult your instructor for approval.

  2. Locate two film critiques on the film you have chosen. Consider beginning your search by reading renowned film critic Roger Ebert’s Review, at suntimes.com, on your selected film.
  3. Complete the Critique Observation Organizer. You may copy and paste this information into a document, print and fill in by hand, or make your own organizer with the same criteria.


Critique Observation Organizer

Title of film:

Review #1

  1. Critic:
  2. Title of Critique:
  3. Provide a basic outline of the critic’s article.
  4. Summarize his or her evaluation of the film in one sentence.
  5. Choose specific language from the review that helps you understand the film critic’s attitude. Explain how those quotations create the author’s tone you hear as you read the critique.

Review #2

  1. Critic:
  2. Title of Critique:
  3. Provide a basic outline of the critic’s article.
  4. Summarize his or her evaluation of the film in one sentence.
  5. Choose specific language from the review that helps you understand the film critic’s attitude. Explain how those quotations create the author’s tone you hear as you read the critique.
  6. How does this review compare with the first review you read? Identify two similarities and at least one difference between the two articles.

After reading these reviews, do you have an interest in watching the film or an appreciation for the craft of writing a critique? Explain why or why not.

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