Using research of the current literature on the topic selected ( The impact that coaching has on management and the correlation to successful retention of employees) and that is relevant to organizational and executive coaching, prepare a 5–8-page prospectus response complying with the formatting and content instructions below.
- Minimum of 5 pages and maximum of 8 pages, double spaced, not including title page and reference page
- Times New Roman 12-point font
- Left justified only
- One-inch margins
- Current APA format
- Numbered pages
- Minimum of 10 scholarly journal references; each reference must be less than 10 years old
- Show block quotations for more than 40 words:
- Single spaced with double space separating quotes
- Indented 5 spaces from left-hand margin
- No quotation marks
- Reference page in current APA format, including active, permanent/stable URL links (not included in page total)
- Double space between references and single space within the reference
- A title page that includes:
- Course number and name
- Case name
- Student name
- Date submitted
- Respectfully submitted to: (instructor’s name)
- Abstract
- Concepts from the literature synthesized into the prospectus format with the following sections required:
- Problem Statement
- Purpose Statement/Research Questions
- Conceptual Framework
- Hypothesis/Hypotheses (supported by literature review citations and based on level of empirical knowledge gained from the review of the literature)
- Selected research approach/rationale for this approach:
- How the data will be measured
- How the data will be collected
- How the data will be analyzed
- How conclusions will be drawn
- What limitations exist
- Expected contributions of the research and expected outcomes
- Summary
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