As noted, replicating results can be challenging. Expect some issues along the way and be prepared to resolve them.
- ● Read Sutton’s Paper
- ● Write the code necessary to replicate Sutton’s experiments
○ You will be replicating figures 3, 4, and 5 (Check Erratum at the end of paper)
- ● Create the graphs
- ○ Replicate figures 3, 4, and 5
- ○ Graphs of anything else you may think appropriate
- ● We’ve created a privateGeorgia Tech GitHub repository for your code. Push your code to the personal repository found here:
- ○ The quality of the code is not graded. You don’t have to spend countless hours adding comments, etc. But, it will be examined by the TAs.
- ○ Make sure to include a file for your repository
■ Include thorough and detailed instructions on how to run your source code in the
○ You will be penalized by 50 pointsif you:
- Do not have any code or do not submit your fullcode to the GitHub repository
- Do not include the git hash for your last commit in your paper
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