READ ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: Litchka, P. R. (2007). No leader left behind: Planning to prepare effective educational leaders in this era of accountability. Educational Planning, 16 (2), 44-52. Lund, J., & Shanklin, J. (2011). The impact of accountability on student performance in a secondary physical education badminton unit. Physical Educator, 68 (4), 210- 220. Uellendahl, G., Stephens, D., Buono, L., & Lewis, R. (2009). Support personnel accountability report card (SPARC): A measure to support school counselor accountability efforts. Journal of School Counseling, 7 , 1-31. Winch, C. (2001). Accountability and relevance in educational research. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 35 (3), 443-459. DIRECTIONS: After reading 3 of the 4 articles, write a 5-7 page paper, not including the title page, reference page. Answer the following questions in the paper: What did you learn from reading these articles and how does it apply to accountability in education? (CACREP SC I1) What is the significance of research in education? (CACREP IIG 8 a) How does research advance education? (CACREP IIG 8a) What are problems, issues, and/or limitations related to research in education? (CACREP SC I1) How can research findings inform change, provide accountability, and produce evidence-based practice in education? (CACREP IIG 8e, SC I5) PAPER REQUIREMENTS: APA 6th Edition At least 5 pages (does not include title or ref page)

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