Abuse suspected: Imagine you are working with a foster care family who suspects that a child placed in their care had experienced physical and emotional abuse at the hands of their previous caregiver. Take a look at the State Child Welfare Policy Database website ( to research the policies for Texas. Given this information as well as the information from your reading, what should you do? What are your legal obligations? What are some of the risks and possible repercussions? How would you ensure confidentiality is maintained during this situation? What other legal and/or ethical considerations would you need to keep in mind when working with this client?
Needed Material:
Read Chapter 3, “Legal and Ethical Issues.”(please see the attached copy of chapter 3).
Watch these videos:
The following videos come from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction:
The following video comes from the Oregon State Department of Human Services
Review these documents to help you with responding to discussion questions:
Chapter 3 reference:
McWhirter, J. J. (2013). At Risk Youth, 5th Edition. [Kaplan]. Retrieved from…
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