I need someone to write 3 pages essay about In Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find,” there are several occasions when characters make comments about whether or not people are “good” or when characters behave in highly questionable ways. When you consider the story carefully, what is an interesting idea that you feel O’Connor conveys about the concept of morality? Choose at least three particular passages from the story to analyze in order to support your thesis.

Helpful hints:

Since the concept of morality is quite broad, you will want to narrow down your approach. Here are some questions to assist you. Your essay could provide insight into one of the following questions, or into another question relating to the concept of morality in the story that you come up with on your own:

–According to the story, what shapes one’s moral code?

–According to the story, what is one’s moral code dependent upon?

–According to the story, what might cause one’s moral code to be altered?

–What do you notice about characters’ perception of their own—or others’—moral code in the story?


3 pages, typed and double-spaced

one-inch margins

12-pt font

parenthetical documentation and works cited in MLA style

I will send you my essay plan and my professor comments to help you write this essay.

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